Multiway Stop Intersections

General Purpose
The purpose of a STOP sign is to assign right-of-way and regulate traffic. A "multi-way stop control can be useful as a safety measure at intersections if certain traffic conditions exist" and is often most effective when "used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal"CA MUTCD 2B.04.05
When used appropriately, STOP signs can increase safety and standardize expectations of all road users at the intersection. When used incorrectly, such as solely to address speeding, these signs can breed disrespect for the sign and generate compliance issues, generally decreasing safety.
Accordingly, installations should only be made at locations where it is safe and appropriate to do so. Engineering studies, such as a Multi-way Stop Warrant (Warrant), are used to evaluate criteria to determine whether one of more STOP signs are warranted for installation.
This warrant will consider, among other things:
- An interim installation pending the installation of a traffic signal that has met a qualified traffic signal warrant; and
- Five or more crashes in 12-months subject to correction by a multi-way stop; and
- Volume of all traffic (cars, bicycles, pedestrians) within an eight-hour peak period (not necessarily consecutive hours); and
- The speed of approaching traffic; and
- Additional, site specific criteria as permitted
Requesting Stop Signs
Upon the written request of a citizen for the installation of one or more STOP signs at the intersection of two City streets, the City Engineer may direct staff to complete a Warrant to verify whether such an installation is appropriate. This process shall involve the collection and analysis of data with consideration made for the items identified previously. Intersections must me one or more of the minimum qualifying areas to be considered. A recommendation will be provided to the City Engineer who will use professional engineering judgment to determine whether or not to direct for the installation of one or more STOP signs.Requests may be submitted in writing via mail, fax or email using the contact information provided.
Multi-way Stop Warrant Form