Speed Bumps

Vehicular speeding issues are a result of drivers breaking the law and should be reported to the Turlock Police Department so that appropriate enforcement tools can be applied. In some cases, enforcement alone is not effective in curbing the speeding. In residential area, additional traffic calming tools may be available through the City's Traffic Calming Program.
Traffic Calming Program
On September 22, 2015, the City Council adopted a traffic calming program that established policy and procedures for requesting speed bumps and other types of traffic calming devices in residential areas. This program starts with applicants contacting the Traffic Safety Unit of the Turlock Police Department to request enforcement services. If these services are unsuccessful in addressing the issue, then it is forwarded to the Engineering Division for further review. The Engineering Division will seek an application fee from the applicant, conduct a study of the area, and propose options. The applicant must then seek input and signatures from the residents affected by the improvements, pay the necessary fees, and hire a contractor to perform the work.For more detailed information regarding the various traffic calming options and requirements, please review the adopted Traffic Calming Program. A copy of that document can be found by clicking the link below. Hard copies are available to be mailed upon request.
Traffic Calming Program (adopted 9/22/15)