Archived Residential Projects
Current Year: 2020
Previous Years: 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
MAA 2020-02 Mulberry Mobile Home Park
The applicant has received a compliance order from the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for the Mulberry Mobile Home Park at 1412 S. First Street (Stanislaus County APN: 043-017-025). The HCD has licensed the mobile home park for 49 spaces; however, the mobile home park is operating with 53 spaces. The City has record of approximately 45 spaces at the time the property was annexed in 1987. The intent of this permit is to document the existing conditions, establish and memorialize the nonconforming use, and bring the mobile home park into compliance with HCD’s order. The spaces in question are identified on the attached site plan as spaces G, H, I, and J and are currently occupied with RVs. The Mulberry Mobile Home Park is currently on a septic system and well. There are no plans at this time to connect to City services. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]Address: 1412 S First Street Quadrant: SE
APN: 043-017-025 Zoning District: Low Density Residential (RL)
Application Received: 1/22/2020
Contact: Anthony Robinson (925) 367-5122
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved March 11, 2020
Site Plan
MDP 2015-11-Time Ext 2020 Turlock Assisted Care
The applicant is applying for a one-year time extension for the previously approved licensed assisted living and memory care community proposed at 1015 and 1043 E Main Street, (Stanislaus County APN’s: 042-028-003 & -004). No changes from the original proposal and approval are proposed. The project is the construction of a two-story 67,430 square foot building that will include a total of 82 assisted living apartments. An existing oak tree will be retained and incorporated into the wandering garden. On-site and off-site improvements include landscaping, parking, commercial drive-ways, and two monument signs. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [Infill Development Projects]Address: 1015 & 1043 E Main Street Quadrant: NE
APN: 042-028-003 & -004 Zoning District: Commercial Office (CO)
Application Received: 5/1/2020
Contact: Guy Simile (209) 545-6111
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved June 15, 2020
Site Plan
MDP 2020-06 Sunny Vraitch
The applicant is proposing to construct a triplex at 301 W Main (Stanislaus County APN: 061-015-049). The project consists of a single-story 3,200 square foot building with associated parking, landscaping and on- and off-site improvements. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [Infill Development Projects].Address: 301 W Main St Quadrant: SW
APN: 061-015-049 Zoning District: Medium Density Residential (RM)
Application Received: 3/2/2020
Contact: Sunny Vraitch (312) 804-4746
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved June 5, 2020
Site Plan
MDP 2020-09 Mark Walker
The property owner is requesting a minor exception to the required 8.5-foot rear yard setback to build a 221 square foot addition to the rear of the existing single-family home located at 2621 Adrian Street (Stanislaus County APN 071-020-003). The proposed addition will maintain a 5-foot setback to the rear property line.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301(e)(1) [Existing Facilities]Address: 2621 Adrian Street Quadrant: NW
APN: 071-020-003 Zoning District: Low Density Residential (RL)
Application Received: 3/19/2020
Contact: Mark Walker (209) 634-0625
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved April 27, 2020
Site Plan
MDP 2020-18 HMR Architects
The applicant is proposing to construct eight (8) additional dwelling units at 1143 & 1145 Park Street (Stanislaus County APN: 061-002-059). The 0.89-acre property is currently developed with a single-family residence, a three-unit residential building, swimming pool and two residential storage sheds. The single-family residence will be remodeled and used as the manager’s unit and community center for the project. The existing swimming pool will be removed and the new 3-unit residential building constructed in its place. The 5-unit residential building will be constructed along the north property line. Once completed a total of 12 residential units will be constructed onsite. Associated onsite improvements include paving, parking, landscaping and a trash enclosure. Existing frontage improvements include curb, gutter and sidewalk. No additional frontage improvements are proposed as part of this project.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 (b) [In-Fill Development Projects]Address: 1143 & 1145 Park Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 061-002-059 Zoning District: Medium Density Residential (RM)
Application Received: 8/6/2020
Contact: HMR Architects (916) 736-2724
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved September 23, 2020
Site Plan
MDP 2020-19 Eric Yonan
The applicant is requesting to expand an existing residence in a Heavy Commercial (CH) zoning district at 694 Ninth Street (Stanislaus County APN:043-003-003). The existing residence located in the commercial zoning district is a nonconforming use. Pursuant to TMC §9-2-302 expanding or enlarging a legal nonconforming use may be allowed upon approval of a minor discretionary permit as long as the expansion does not exceed 1,000 square feet or 25% of the existing floor area, whichever is greater. The existing residence is approximately 402 square feet in size. The applicant is proposing to add an additional 499 square feet to the residence. TMC: 9-5-307 This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]Address: 694 Ninth St Quadrant: SE
APN: 043-003-003 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 8/11/2020
Contact: Eric Yonan (209) 495-7322
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved October 7, 2020
Site Plan
MDP 2020-24 Jose Perez
The applicant is requesting to construct a duplex on a 0.25-acre property at 439 Wayside Drive (Stanislaus County APN: 042-014-002). There is an existing 1,152 square foot single family home with a 442 square foot detached garage. The existing detached garage will be demolished and a new attached 360 square foot garage constructed for the single-family home. The new duplex is approximately 1,920 square feet (960 square feet per living unit) and includes two attached two-car garages. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15332 [Infill Development Projects]Address: 439 Wayside Dr Quadrant: SE
APN: 042-014-002 Zoning District: High Density Residential (RH)
Application Received: 11/20/2020
Contact: Jose Perez (209-345-9383
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved January 21, 2021
Site Plan
PD279, VTSM 20-02 Florsheim Homes
The applicant is proposing to subdivide three parcels totaling 15.66 acres, into 178 single-family residential lots. The subject properties are located at 1137, 1201 and 1233 5th Street, Stanislaus County APNs 043-059-001, 043-016-004 & 005. The 4.769 acre parcel located at 1137 5th Street is zoned Medium Density Residential (R-M). The other two parcels, 1201 and 1233 5th Street are zoned High Density Residential (RH). The lots will range in size from 4,724 square feet to 2,160 square feet. The entrance into the development will be gated and all internal roadways will be private roads. A Planned Development is proposed to allow for the gating of the project as well deviations from the lot size standards and the setbacks. The proposed setbacks for the development will be 5’ front yard, 10’ rear yard, 9’ corner side yard and 4’ interior side yard. Dual use drainage basins will be installed and landscaped to handle the storm water for the development as well as provide open space areas. A “Mitigated Negative Declaration” is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.Address: 1137, 1201, & 1233 Fifth St Quadrant: SW
APN: 043-059-001, 043-016-004 & 043-016-005 Zoning District: Medium Density Residential (RM)& High Density Residential (HDR)
Application Received: 12/9/2020
Contact: NRB Investments LLC - 209-473-1106
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, April 1, 2021
Status: Approved May 11, 2021
Site Plan
Site Plan
Initial Study
VARIANCE 2020-01 Fairbanks Ranch
The applicant is requesting a variance from the required 20-foot corner side yard setback established in the low-density residential zoning district of the East Tuolumne Master Plan. The specific request will reduce the required 20-foot corner side yard setback for nine interior lots in the Fairbanks Ranch subdivision. The variance would allow the corner side yard setbacks for the interior lots to be reduced as follows: Lot 21-2667 Millstream Lane-16.5-foot corner side yard setback Lot 24-2707 Millstream Lane-16.5-foot corner side yard setback Lot 34-2727 Millstream Lane-15-foot corner side yard setback Lot 36-2747 Millstream Lane-15-foot corner side yard setback Lot 46-2767 Millstream Lane-19-foot corner side yard setback Lot 49-2797 Millstream Lane-19-foot corner side yard setback Lot 81-2795 Meadowbrook Lane-18.7-foot corner side yard setback Lot 111-2573 Feathermint Lane-15-foot corner side yard setback Lot 112-2573 Stone Meadow Road-15-foot corner side yard setback This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15305 [Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations].Address: Fairbanks Ranch Subdivision-various addresses Quadrant: NE
APN: Various Parcels Zoning District: Low Density Residential (RL)
Application Received: 1/16/2020
Contact: Chris Hawke (925) 389-6836
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, February 6, 2020
Status: Approved February 6, 2020
Site Plan
VTSM 2020-01 VVH Consulting Engineers
The applicant is proposing to subdivide an approximately 0.99 acre lot, located at 4600 Colorado Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 072-002-044) into six single-family residential lots. The lots will be divided in accordance with the Low Density Residential (RL) zoning district and the Northeast Turlock Master Plan standards. The overall density of the proposed project is approximately six dwelling units per acre. The lots will range in size from 5,705 square feet to 11,515 square feet. The existing 2,603 square foot single family home will remain. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [Infill Development Projects]Address: 4600 Colorado Ave Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-002-044 Zoning District: Low Density Residential (RL)
Application Received: 4/1/2020
Contact: VVH Consulting Engineers (209) 568-4477
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, June 4, 2020
Status: Approved June 5, 2020
Site Plan