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Archived Commercial & Industrial Projects

Current Year: 2022
Previous Years: 2025 2024 2023 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

CUP 2022-01 Trax Food Park-Revised

The applicant has revised their project to develop a food truck park. The project is proposed to be developed at 576 S. Center Street, 590 S. Golden State Boulevard and now adding a portion of 500 S. Center Street (Stanislaus County APNs 043-051-026, 043-051-028, and 043-051-030) for the food truck park. The applicant has planned for approximately 20 food trucks and 16 fixed locations that will provide a variety of food selections and entertainment. Approximately 17,600 square feet of the existing warehouse building will be renovated for indoor entertainment, such as music and comedy events. The remainder of the building will be renovated as a commissary to support the food truck operators. An outdoor entertainment area will host games such as giant Jenga, cornhole, axe throwing and other outdoor lawn games as well as music and comedy events. An outdoor beer garden is also proposed with outdoor seating and an area to host private parties. Trax will be applying to the Alcohol Beverage Control Board to serve beer and wine (Type 41 license). A paved covered seating area, stage, restrooms, and paved and striped parking will be constructed onsite for customer use. An existing warehouse at 500 S. Center Street has been added to the project and will be modified to provide covered overnight parking, dump stations, wash stations, propane station, and storage areas for the food truck and operators. Access to the food park will be provided by the existing driveways on Golden State Boulevard and S. Center Street. Frontage improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk and landscaping will be constructed along Center and F Street frontages. Existing frontage improvements are installed along Golden State Boulevard and Center Street. Trax has changed their hours of operation and now propose to operate seven days a week. Sunday - Wednesday 9:00 am to 9:00 pm and Thursday - Saturday 9:00 am to 12:00 am. Security will be onsite during operating hours. CEQA DETERMINATION: “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15332 [Infill projects]

Address: 576 S Center St, 500 S Center & 590 S Golden State Blvd Quadrant: SE
APN: 043-051-026 043-051-028, & 043-051-058 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 5/16/2022
Contact: Jenn Weenk (209) 620-0231
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, July 7, 2022
Status: Approved July 7, 2022

Site Plan


A Conditional Use Permit application has been submitted to designate a portion of an existing warehouse into a retail and storage area for surplus goods. The retail and storage area will total 6,088 square feet within the 16,000 square foot warehouse building currently under construction at 2400 Maryann Drive, Stanislaus County APN 089-014-035. Twelve additional parking spaces are proposed to support the retail space. Interior tenant improvements will be constructed to define the areas of the retail and storage space. No façade improvements or changes are proposed for the exterior of the building, and all other on-site improvements are covered under the scope of the approved Minor Discretionary Permit 2020-25 (MDP 2020-25), associated with this property.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 2400 Maryann Dr Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-014-035 Zoning District: Industrial Business Park (IBP)
Application Received: 3/4/2022
Contact: Robert Fernandes-209-495-0708
Planner: Mark Marshall
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, May 5, 2022
Status: Approved May 5, 2022

Site Plan

CUP 2022-04 Flavor Farms Turlock LLC

The applicant, Flavor Farms Turlock LLC, is applying for a conditional use permit to operate an indoor cannabis cultivation, manufacturing, and distribution business in the existing 54,279 square foot building located at 680 D Street, Stanislaus County APN 043-018-015.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 680 D Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 043-018-015 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 4/19/2022
Contact: Noe Pacheco (209-458-8440)
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, August 3, 2023
Status: Approved August 3, 2023

Site Plan

CUP 2022-05 P&F Metals

The applicant is requesting to construct an approximately 3,553 square foot metal canopy structure to cover construction materials onsite at 301 South Broadway, (Stanislaus County APN: 043-049-065). The existing buildings on the site are built at a 0’ setback. The applicant is requesting to expand the legal non-conforming structure with the 3,553 square foot attached metal canopy proposed with a 0’ rear yard setback instead of the 10’ rear yard setback required in the Industrial Residential Zoning District. A Conditional Use Permit is required as the proposed canopy is greater than 1,000 square feet and larger than 25% percent of the existing non-conforming structures, as specified by the Municipal Code. Access to and from the industrial facility will continue to be from B Street. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-fill Development Projects].

Address: 301 S Broadway Quadrant: SE
APN: 043-046-065 Zoning District: Industrial Residential (IR)
Application Received: 5/18/2022
Contact: Joseph Bowen 209-417-3151
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, August 4, 2022
Status: Approved August 4, 2022


CUP 2022-06 BM5 Hospitality, LLC

The applicant is requesting an exception to the 35-foot height limit established in the Westside Industrial Specific Plan for the Community Commercial (CC) zoning District to facilitate the construction of a 91-room, 4-story hotel on a 2.0-acre parcel located at 201 N. Tully Road (Stanislaus APN 089-015-013). The 53,710 square foot hotel measures 61’6” from grade to the highest point. A total of 88 onsite-parking spaces are proposed. Additional onsite improvements include paving, parking lot striping, onsite lighting, fenced outdoor pool area, and landscaping; off-site improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are also proposed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-fill Development Projects].

Address: 201 N TULLY RD Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-015-013-000 Zoning District: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC)
Application Received: 6/6/2022
Contact: BM5 Hospitality LLC – (916-942-9329)
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, September 1, 2022
Status: Approved September 1, 2022

Noise Study

CUP 2022-07 The Evergreen Market

The applicant, The Evergreen Market, is applying for a conditional use permit to operate a cannabis retail dispensary in the existing building located at 101 E. Glenwood Avenue, Stanislaus County APN 044-022-013. Site improvements will include interior remodeling of the building, re-striping of the parking lot and landscaping. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 101 E Glenwood Ave Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-022-013-000 Zoning District: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC)
Application Received: 5/26/2022
Contact: The Evergreen Market-206-852-7155
Status: Approved April 6, 2023


MDP 2011-07 Time Ext 2022 Blue Diamond

The applicant is requesting a 24-month time extension for phase 3 of the previously approved ±451,637 square foot food processing facility. The project was anticipated to be constructed in three phases. The two previous phases constructed approximately 288,741 square feet of the food processing facility, administrative offices, 210 parking spaces, onsite storm drain basins, landscaping, outbuildings and truck docks. Full frontage improvements have also been constructed. The east expansion (Phase 3 on the site plan) will add approximately 100,000 square feet to the processing facility including additional truck docks. Additional paving around the east expansion will provide circulation around the facility and fire access. This project is Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA §15162 “Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations”)

Address: 1300 N Washington Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-001-005 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 11/1/2022
Contact: Travis Hill (209-986-0142)
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved March 13, 2023

Site Plan

MDP 2021-09 Carson Hybrid Energy Storage - REVISED

Carson Hybrid Energy Storage (CHES) submitted a revised site plan for the project at 601 S. Soderquist Road (Stanislaus County APN 050-001-038) proposing to develop a 9.12-acre property for a battery energy storage facility. CHES will construct two warehouse buildings, one 90,000 square feet and one 40,950 square feet for the storage of the battery modules. The buildings will be able to store at least 500mwh of battery energy storage. The batteries will be stored in a specially designed rack configuration. Each rack is approximately 8’Wx20’Lx9’H. Three racks will be stacked atop each other to achieve the correct energy density. The larger building will have approximately 672 racks with 135 racks in the smaller building. A fenced exterior storage area on the north side of Building A and on the south side of Building will house a total of 96 inverter units. The inverter units change the DC energy current from the batteries into an AC current which is the form of energy used by utility companies. The inverters measure 6’Lx2.5’Wx7’H. There are 131 parking stalls proposed onsite. All 131 parking stalls will be electric vehicle accessible. Approximately 23,500 square feet of area in the northwest corner of the property will be left undeveloped for a planned substation to allow future connection to Turlock Irrigation District (TID) facilities. Revisions to the site plan and project description include a 1,250 square foot office building located behind the battery storage buildings. Forty-one of the 131 electric vehicle accessible parking stalls, located along the Soderquist Road frontage, will be developed for public use. Customers will be able to access the charging units through the public gate via a ticketing system. Twelve electric vehicle charging units will initially be installed and available for use from 7:00 am – 9:00 pm. Secondary private gates secure the battery storage facility from public access. Full frontage improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk will be constructed along South Soderquist Road. On-site paving, parking stalls, landscaping, security lighting, and perimeter fencing are also proposed. CEQA DETERMINATION: The City of Turlock Planning Division is seeking comments from responsible agencies under the Early Consultation process to determine the appropriate level of environmental review for the project described above and in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section §15162.

Address: 601 S Soderquist Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 050-001-038-000 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 2/25/2022
Contact: Olivia Goldstein (406-544-2476)
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved May 27, 2022

Site Plan-revised
Initial Study
Notice of Determination

MDP 2022-01 David Stark-Cal Freight

The applicant is requesting to develop three adjoining parcels totaling approximately 4.18 acres into a private semi-truck parking facility. The project is located at 2320, 2325, and 2375 Industrial Rowe (Stanislaus County APN(s): 044-009-019, 004-009-020, and 044-009-021). The existing office building and service shop will continue to be used. Onsite improvements will include paving, onsite semi-truck and employee vehicle parking stalls, two gated driveway approaches, landscaping, fencing, on-site basins, and a fire hydrant. Frontage improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are already constructed. Access will be from the new driveway approaches proposed along Industrial Rowe. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects].

Address: 2325, 2375, & 2300 Industrial Rowe Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-009-019, -020, & -021 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 1/5/2022
Contact: David Stark (209) 523-8323
Planner: Mark Marshall
Status: Approved May 3, 2022

Site Plan

MDP 2022-02 Divert Food Recovery Facility

The Divert Integrated Food Recovery Facility project is an enclosed food waste processing and recovery facility proposed on a 18.5-acre site located at 4407 West Main Street, Stanislaus County APN 089-010-022. The proposed project consists of the construction and operation of an enclosed food waste processing and recovery facility to assist food industry retailers and producers to build a more sustainable solution for their unsold food. Through the Recovery Facility, Divert would convert a maximum of 2,800 tons/week of unsold food waste into a higher use via on-site anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion is a biological process in which microorganisms break down organic material in the absence of oxygen. While breaking down this matter, the microorganisms release biogas and leave behind digested solids referred to as digestate. During anaerobic digestion, degradable materials, such as food waste as is the case here, are digested in a reactor in the absence of oxygen to produce biogas that is between 50−70% methane (CH4). This biogas would be converted into RNG. The RNG would then be upgraded to meet pipeline standards and injected into PG&E’s existing offsite pipeline through an onsite transmission tie-in line for the utility’s offsite use. This process occurs in a contained system, with some limited intentional release of biogas and some small amount of methane gas slip. The process of the Recovery Facility would add significant benefits including: • Improved insight into what food products go unsold, allowing the food industry retailers and producers to focus on prevention. • Estimated energy recovery of 1.2 – 1.8 megawatts (MW)/hour from the organic slurry created from unsold food. • Estimated recovery of nearly 2,000 tons per year of valuable cardboard through the use of reusable transport containers; cardboard will be captured at the store level and baled with the current cardboard stream. • Diversion of waxed carboard to a beneficial use by a 3rd party. • Reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by diverting organic waste from landfills and recovering it as RNG and soil amendments. • Contribution toward organic waste reduction mandates set forth AB 1826 and SB 1383, and contribution toward GHG emission reduction goals set forth in AB 32. Major Components of the Proposed Project The major structures of the proposed project include an 65,000 square foot industrial building, of which 6,000 square feet would be dedicated to office space and one 3.5 million-gallon anerobic digester tank. In addition, the following equipment would be installed at the facility: solid/liquid separators, a continually stirred tank reactor (CSTR), a boiler, an enclosed emergency flare, membrane tanks, gas upgrade equipment, and waste treatment equipment. Other project components include a stormwater detention basin, some perimeter landscaping, and security fencing. Digester: The anerobic digester system would be designed to process food waste and produce RNG. Within the digestion process there are two steps: anerobic digestion (heated by a boiler) and anaerobic membrane tanks. Liquid feedstock would cycle continuously between these two steps to break down entrapped solids into methane and to remove the waste products. Produced biogas would contain by weight approximately 58% methane, 40% carbon dioxide, and a remainder of O2, N2, H2S, and VOCs. Since the gas would be injected directly into the common carrier pipeline, it would be upgraded to remove impurities and meet the pipeline standards. The gas upgrade equipment would consist of four main steps: H2S removal, dehydration, CO2 removal and N2 removal. The H2S removal system would consist of an iron oxide media that reacts with the H2S, converting it to a non-hazardous, solid sulfur compound. During the dehydration step the gas is cooled and condensate removed. To remove the CO2, N2, and remaining water, the gas is passed through a proprietary adsorptive media which traps the contaminants and allows methane molecules to pass through. This system operates with a multi-vessel, fast cycle pressure swing adsorption system. This means each vessel operates in a continuous cycle of upgrading and regeneration controlled by pressure changes. The media is regenerated by depressurizing the vessel and creating a vacuum to pull out entrapped CO2, N2, and H2O. The proposed digester system would be equipped with an emergency flare as a VOC control device during times when gas upgrade equipment is inoperable. While in some cases, when the facility is prepared, inlet feed can be cut off and digester production halted, this would not always be the case. In those emergency situations, biogas would be directed to the enclosed emergency flare where it would be combusted, resulting in the oxidation of gaseous hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide and water. Materials Accepted Only high quality and fresh unsold food waste would be received at the facility in individual lined and lidded collection bins. Food industry retailers and producers in California mostly aggregate their non-salable food from their retail outlets serviced by their distribution centers. Aggregated unsold food consist of food items that originated at customer distribution centers, were sent to retail centers, were not sold, not able to be donated and thus returned to the distribution center. The unsold food from the retail outlets would be comprised of produce, bakery goods, deli or hot food bar leftovers, and packaged goods. No butcher trimmings would be allowed and would be sent for rendering at the store level and not placed in the collection bins. The seasonality of the feedstock would be expected to have an impact on the flow of material and in the types of feedstocks being returned; however, there would be no negative impacts on system performance due to seasonal feedstocks. Description of Construction Project construction is anticipated to start in late 2022 or early 2023, pending issuance of required permits and approvals. Project construction would include the transportation of building materials to the site, grading, soil removal, and the demolition of one housing unit and offsite transportation of demolition waste. It is assumed demolition and construction will fall within a 10-month schedule. Description of Operations All processing of inbound materials would occur inside the Recovery Facility. The facility would have a peak daily receiving capacity of 500 TPD not to exceed 2,800 tons/week and a processing equipment design throughput of tonnage of 400 per 24-hour day. The process equipment would include built-in capacity that would allow an increase in throughput by increasing screw conveyer and screw press speeds via the operator touch screen interface. The increase in speed would accelerate the wear of replaceable components, adding to maintenance cost and therefore normal operating capacity is de-rated. Therefore, there would be more than sufficient capacity in the processing system to process up to 500 TPD of material. The flow of inbound material is shown in Figure 4, Process, and described below: 1. Collection of Materials: The process for aggregating unsold food would remain unchanged as the client will provide all inbound logistics to the Recovery Facility The food product to be recovered would first be sent from the retail distribution center to the retail outlets for sale. If this food product is not sold in a timely manner or becomes unsalable, it would be placed in a sealed collection bin. These bins are kept indoors in a designated location at each individual retail location. When the delivery truck shows up to replenish stock, the unsold material would be inspected by the truck driver and loaded for transport back to the Distribution Center. Once sealed collection bins containing the food waste is received on the distribution center dock, they would be cross-docked onto a customer dry van trailer and transported to the Recovery Facility. 2. Delivery of Materials: Material would be received at the Recovery Facility via tractor-trailer trucks and would be unloaded using forklifts and placed into the building via designated docks. 3. Staging and Inspection Area: The facility would be designed to hold approximately one day of Collection Bins in the staging/inspection area. The purpose of the storage is to provide holding for inspection, buffer for short equipment downtime (e.g., for preventative maintenance), and to buffer any peak deliveries from trailers being unloaded. Bins would not be stored for more than 48 hours and a “first-in, first-out” policy would be implemented to minimize material storage holding times. Material would be staged for processing and visually inspected in a small area inside the building with no tipping floor. The material will remain in the containers until it is processed. The bins would be visually inspected in the staging/inspection area inside the unloading area at the facility. The process to inspect the material is meant to remove any items that may have incorrectly been put on top of the collection bin during transport. There will be a hopper camera system to review the contents of bins after dumping into the hopper. The material will be fed into the system as it is received. There is a staging area for incoming material in collection bins where the function is to provide a load check area and prepare for loading into the system. In accordance with Title 14 CCR sections 17409.5, a hazardous waste load-checking program would be implemented at the facility to detect and properly handle uncategorized materials that have been inadvertently received. Any hazardous wastes discovered as part of the hazardous waste load-checking program would be properly isolated, inventoried, and temporarily stored in the processing building quality control area. Due to the closed loop source of the material these events are expected to be infrequent and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. All federal, state and local hazardous waste laws and regulations are followed. Unacceptable materials that are non-hazardous would be handled according to their purpose. For example, a banana blanket would be added to the banana blanket bin for return to the client distribution center, a store display would be recycled accordingly, and any rubbish would be discarded per State and local regulations. 4. Processing: Acceptable material would be transported from the staging area via forklift and loaded into the processing equipment using an automated bin tipper. The material would then be conveyed directly into commercial processing equipment where it would be liquified and purified. The purpose of the front-end technology is to remove non-beneficial materials, such as, peach pits, stems, metal, seeds, plastic and glass. The clean slurry product would then be pumped from the separation equipment to a tank outside the building. From the tank, the slurry would then be metered in a controlled manner into an anaerobic digester where it would be biologically converted into biogas and a soil amendment. In accordance with State law, no residual waste would be stored onsite longer than 48 hours and would be stored in open top trailers used to transport residuals to landfill. Generally, material would be processed by the facility within 8 hours. 5. Usable End Products: RNG: Biogas would be generated biologically in the digester. The biogas would then be pulled from the digester, impurities removed, and the resultant methane (natural gas) would be injected into the transmission pipeline under North Washington Road for downstream use. It is anticipated an average of 500,000 scf/day of biogas would be injected each day, with a maximum of 670,000 scf/day. Soil Amendment: Digestate would be removed from the digester, concentrated into a solid and loaded into open top trailers. This material would then be transferred to third party for beneficial use in compost and fertilizer. 6. Residual End Products: Using a forklift or an enclosed screw conveyor, non-digestible residuals would be transported to an open top trailer for transport to an approved and licensed landfill. There would be no storage of residuals on-site other than the transport trailers. The facility would use the Merced County Landfill for disposal of non-recyclable residuals. 7. Cleaning: Collection Bin Cleaning: Using hot pressure water, the inside and outside of the three components of the collection bin are washed in an Automated Bin Washer (ABW). Clean bins are disassembled, stacked, and strapped for return to the client distribution center. The bins are returned on the empty trailers that delivered the full bins to the facility. Facility Cleaning: The Facility would be cleaned daily. The Facility Manager would inspect the site daily for residual buildup of material on processing equipment, litter and overall cleanliness. It would be the Facility Manager’s responsibility to then task the operators and maintenance crews to maintain a sanitary facility to prevent the propagation or attraction of flies, rodents, and other vectors. The entrance and exit would be cleaned on a daily basis to prevent the tracking or off-site migration of waste materials. Equipment would washed down and the floors are scrubbed using a driving floor scrubber. Floors, ceilings and other areas of the facility would be cleaned as needed. Additionally, individual work areas would be cleaned throughout the operating day, as necessary. Typically, the processing equipment would be stopped for 2-4 hours/day for cleaning and preventative maintenance, however, the facility can be effectively cleaned while the equipment is operating if necessary. Operating Hours: The Recovery Facility operates and may receive material 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Activities permitted during hours of operation would include receipt of food waste, processing, cleaning, maintenance, and auxiliary operations. Employees: The project will employ 33 full time employees but will have a maximum of 25 employees onsite on any given day. Employee shifts would overlap so that the number of employees on site will vary throughout the day, however, typically there would be eight (8) people on-site during normal weekday business hours and six (6) on the weekends. On off-shifts, there would be between two (2) and four (4) employees on site. The peak number of employees at the Recovery Facility would be during the transition between first and second shifts, where up to 15 employees could be on-site. Traffic: The project will include a maximum of 15 incoming delivery truck trips per day of raw organic material contained in enclosed bins, a maximum of 3 outgoing waste hauling truck trips per day, for a total of 18 round trip truck trips per day, and automobile trips to and from work for the maximum 25 full time employees onsite on any given day. The project also will include adequate paved space for truck and employee parking, as well as road improvements to West Main Street and Washington Street to accommodate haul trucks. The Recovery Facility represents a unique contained system where only material to be processed would be received from food industry retailers and producers. Tractor truck traffic at the Recovery Facility shall be managed as part of standard operations and may be spread over the entire period of operation as permitted by local zoning and ordinances. Inbound and outbound traffic access to the project site is via private driveways off West Main Street and North Washington Road via State Route 99. Improvements to the shoulders of both West Main Street and North Washington Road would be constructed so the large transfer trucks can safely ingress and egress from the facility. All incoming unsold food waste would be contained in collection bins and moved with standard 53-foot tractor-trailer trucks. It is anticipated that an average of 1015 tractor-trailer trucks would arrive at the facility per day, seven days/week. Soil amendment would be transported off-site in open top tractor-trailer trucks with appropriate tarpaulin and trailer seals to prevent leaking and litter. It is anticipated that one truck would transport soil amendment material off-site per day, seven days/week. Non-recyclable residuals would be transported off-site in open top tractor-trailer trucks with appropriate tarpaulin and trailer seals to prevent leaking and litter. It is anticipated that one to two trucks would be needed to transport non-recyclable residuals off-site per day, seven days/week. In total, the project expects to have a peak of 18 round trip truck trips per day. Due to the operating hours of the source and offtake facilities, the majority of truck traffic to and from the site will be during the day. Parking: All tractor-trailer parking and trailer docks are located on the site. As part of operation the facility manager directs the tractors and trailers to specific parking spaces and dock spaces. On-site parking is provided for all employees, company vehicles, contractors, and visitors. There would be approximately 114 parking spaces to the west of the building for primary use. The peak employee count is during transition from first to second shift on weekdays where up to 15 employees could be on site. Utilities: Power and natural gas service is provided to the site by Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). Electrical lines for the project would be buried on the property’s frontage along North Washington Avenue and West Main Street and would connect via an underground tie-in. Natural gas service will be provided by new connection to a PG&E distribute line. The project would tie into the existing PG&E RNG transmission line on North Washington Avenue, most likely in the northwest corner of the property. PG&E will be provided a 50 by 100 easement for the interconnection skid. Water for the project would be provided by the City of Turlock via a connection to the main line under West Main Street. Sanitary Sewer: The discharge into the sanitary sewer will be wash water associated with cleaning collection bins and equipment, as well as pre-treated effluent from the digester process. This is an even flow rate due to consistent operation. The water usage for equipment and bin cleaning would be an estimated 8,000 gallon (gal)/day, and approximately 10,000 to 20,000 gal/day will be used in the operational process. The water use for offices/employee break area would use 1,500 gal/day and the pretreated digester effluent would range between 60,000 to 100,000 gal/day. The total volume of water used for process equipment wash water and mix for pretreated digester effluent is expected to be an average of 75,000 to 85,000 gal/day with a maximum of 105,000 gal/day. New sanitary sewer connections will be installed as part of the proposed site construction. CEQA DETERMINATION: Staff has determined the project is consistent with the development density established by existing zoning and general plan policies and is exempt from further environmental review under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15183 [Projects Consistent with a Community Plan, General Plan or Zoning]. The proposed project includes an industrial land uses that is consistent with the WISP and the analysis of the WISP EIR and the General Plan and the General Plan EIR.

Address: 4407 W Main St Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-010-022 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 9/28/2022
Contact: Chris Marlette (774-246-1400)
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved November 14, 2022

Site Plan

MDP 2022-08 Home Depot Tool Rental Center

Home Depot is proposing to construct a Tool Rental Center (TRC) at their existing store at 2800 Countryside Drive (Stanislaus County APN 088-003-021). The general operations of the TRC is the rental of tools and equipment used for general construction, which could range from hand-held drills to large power equipment, used by general customers and contractors. The TRC is an enclosed 2,516 square foot building constructed on the southern side of the existing store, and an approximately 1,957 square foot storage area constructed next to the TRC will store the various items for rent. There will also be another enclosure area for the storage of other rental equipment such as ladders, totaling 1,294 square feet, and surrounded by a 12’ foot tall fence. Customers will be able to access the TRC directly from the new building or from the existing Home Depot store. In addition to the TRC, Home Depot will be using 10 existing parking stalls for a “Load-N-Go” customer pickup staging area, 8 existing parking spaces for rental truck parking, and another 10 existing parking spaces to provide parking for “Pro” customers, typically contractors, for the loading of lumber and larger items. The trucks available for rent are typical box type trucks 12’-26’ in size and can be reserved online or in the store. The 10 “Pro” parking spaces will be striped and have reserved signage, but the spaces will still be available to general customers. No repairs or fueling will be done on-site or in the parking areas. The construction of the TRC will encroach into the existing drive aisle south of the building. Approximately 15 parking spaces will be eliminated and the area restriped to accommodate the new drive aisle. The nine proposed parking stalls will be angled and support additional rental machinery, stored on trailers for ease of customer access. There will be a removal and reconstruction of two curb areas, relocation of a fire hydrant and backflow device. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 Existing Facilities.

Address: 2800 Countryside Dr Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-003-021-000 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 3/31/2022
Contact: Lars Anderson & Associates-559-978-7643
Planner: Mark Marshall
Status: Approved August 12, 2022

Site Plan


Turlock Funeral Home is requesting to construct a new 6,016 square foot addition consisting of an approximately 2,496 square foot three-car garage for hearses and storage, and an approximately 3,520 square foot area for separate offices. The project is located at 425 N Soderquist Road (Stanislaus County APN: 061-001-005). On-site improvements will include a private driveway to the garage, private sidewalks, and a dual trash enclosure. The project area is currently on vacant land, and no landscaping or paving is proposed to be removed. Any future structures depicted are not under review or approved as part of this minor discretionary permit.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 425 N Soderquist Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 061-001-005-000 Zoning District: Public
Semi Public (PS)
Application Received: 4/12/2022
Contact: TURLOCK FUNERAL HOME-209-632-9111
Status: Approved August 5, 2022


MDP 2022-10 Amarok LLC-530 S Tegner and 610 Trade

The applicant is requesting authorization to install an electrified fence inside the existing perimeter fence at 530 S. Tegner Road and 610 Trade Way (Stanislaus APN: 044-006-001 and 044-006-020). The proposed electrified fence will not exceed 10-feet in height. Warning signs will be posted in accordance with the Turlock Municipal Code and the California Building Code. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15311 [Accessory Structures].

Address: 530 S Tegner Rd and 610 Trade Way Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-006-001 & 044-006-020 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 6/2/2022
Contact: Amarok LLC - 803-201-6532
Status: Approved August 18, 2022



The applicant is proposing to develop an approximately 0.67-acre parcel at 199 W. Canal Drive (Stanislaus County APN: 042-009-039) for a drive-through restaurant. The restaurant will be located east of an existing Starbucks restaurant on a parcel already graded for future commercial development. Access to the new restaurant will be from the existing right-in right-out only driveway on Canal Drive and the right-in right-out only driveway along N. Golden State Boulevard. There are 12 parking spaces currently onsite with an additional 14 parking spaces proposed as part of the project. Onsite improvements include landscaping, paving, new parking spaces and striping, bicycle parking and trash enclosure. Offsite improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are already constructed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [Infill Development Projects].

Address: 199 W Canal Dr Quadrant: SW
APN: 042-009-039-000 Zoning District: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC)
Application Received: 6/27/2022
Contact: CRM Architects 559-903-0336
Status: Approved September 29, 2022


MDP 2022-13 Starbucks

The developer is proposing to construct a 1,226 square foot drive-through and walk-up only Starbucks with an outdoor patio space providing customers with an area to sit down at 3085 N. Tegner Road (Stanislaus County APN 088-018-026). The project is proposed on a vacant pad within an existing shopping center and includes a double drive-through lane designed to accommodate stacking for up to 14 vehicles and a walk-up service window. The restaurant is accessed by the existing driveways. Onsite improvements include 24 parking spaces, landscaping and the existing trash enclosure. Frontage improvements have already been constructed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-fill Development Projects].

Address: 3085 N Tegner Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-015-026-000 Zoning District: Commercial Thoroughfare (CT)
Application Received: 8/8/2022
Contact: API Architecture (209-577-4661)
Status: Approved October 3, 2022



The applicant is proposing to construct a 1,154 square foot addition to an existing building at 700 E. Olive Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 061-031-002). The exterior face of the existing building will be remodeled to incorporate the same materials, colors and roofline of the new addition. The existing driveway on Denair Avenue will be removed and sidewalk, curb and gutter extended and landscaping installed. The existing parking lot will be restriped to accommodate the 6-onsite parking stalls. Except for the driveway on Denair that will be removed, frontage improvements have already been constructed and no other frontage improvements are proposed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-fill Development Projects].

Address: 700 E OLIVE AVE Quadrant: SE
APN: 061-031-002-000 Zoning District: OFFICE RESIDENTIAL (OR)
Application Received: 8/16/2022
Contact: George Mauricio – (209-277-2517)
Status: Approved November 1, 2022


MDP 2022-17 Checkers Restaurant

The applicant is proposing to construct a 1,002 square foot drive-through quick serve restaurant at 2500 Fulkerth Road (Stanislaus County APN 089-019-021). A patio seating area for 12 people is proposed as well as five additional parking spaces. CEQA DETERMINATION: Exempt §15332 [In-fill Development Projects]

Address: 2500 Fulkerth Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-019-021-000 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 11/4/2022
Contact: F & M Restaurants LLC (559-289-2445)
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved February 17, 2023

Site Plan

MDP 2022-18 Spare Space Storage Expansion

The applicant is requesting authorization for the expansion of an existing self-storage facility on a partially developed 13.069-acre parcel located at 1351 Fulkerth Road (Stanislaus APN 071-014-015). The expansion will include the addition of one 54,023 square foot and one 42,318 square foot storage buildings and three new canopies consisting of one 1,824 square foot canopy and two 4,608 square foot canopies. No further environmental review is required in compliance with section 15162, (“Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations”) of the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act. A mitigated negative declaration has been previously prepared and adopted for the proposed project. There are no substantial changes to the project that would require major revisions of the previous mitigated negative declaration.

Address: 1351 Fulkerth Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 071-014-015 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 11/28/2022
Contact: Gus Schultz (602-615-8579)
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved May 1, 2023

Site Plan

REZ 2022-03 (2710 Geer Rd)

The applicant is requesting to Rezone a 2.62-acre parcel located at 2710 Geer Road (Stanislaus County APN 072-014-060) from Planned Development 34 to Community Commercial. Planned Development 34 allowed for the property to be used for In-Shape Health Clubs. This amendment would allow future uses in compliance with the Community Commercial Zoning District. No specific use is proposed for the existing 21,700 square foot building as part of this application. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 2710 Geer Rd Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-014-060-000 Zoning District: Planned Development 34 (PD34)
Application Received: 10/31/2022
Contact: Jeffrey Solomon
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, February 2, 2023
Status: Approved February 2, 2023

Site Plan


The applicant is requesting to locate a 48’ x 8’6” temporary mobile MRI trailer in six (6) existing parking spaces at the rear of the Tower Health and Wellness Center building located at 1801 Colorado Avenue, Stanislaus County APN 072-040-046. The trailer will be in place while improvements are being made to the permanent office and imaging space but shall not exceed 12-months without applying for an extension. “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15304 [Minor Alterations to Land]

Address: 1801 Colorado Ave Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-040-046 Zoning District: PD 229
Application Received: 8/11/2022
Contact: Charles Stillman (650-450-3150)
Status: Approved September 7, 2022


For questions or comments about these projects, please contact:

Planning Division
156 S. Broadway, Ste. 120
Turlock, CA 95380-5456
(209) 668-5640
Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM

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