Building in Turlock
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Archived Commercial & Industrial Projects

Current Year: 2020
Previous Years: 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

Abandonment of Isaac Way

To determine if the abandonment of Isaac Way and approximately 206 feet of the Public Utilities Easement, along the west side of Isaac Way, is in conformance with the Turlock General Plan pursuant to Government Code §65402(a). The proposed abandonment has been requested in order to facilitate the expansion of Alpha Poultry across three parcels at 654 Isaac Way, 3280 and 3350 Liberty Square Parkway. The abandonment of Isaac Way will provide safe and controlled access between the new development and the existing development at 3350 Liberty Square Parkway.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15061(b)(3) and the City of Turlock CEQA Implementation Procedures Part IV(c).

Address: Approximately 206 feet on Isaac Way, between 654 Isaac Way, 3280 & 3350 Liberty Square Parkway Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-066-006 Zoning District: Planned Development 230 (PD230)
Application Received: 7/2/2020
Contact: Hermanta Agarwala (209) 874-6149
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, October 1, 2020
Status: Approved October 1, 2020

Site Plan

City of Turlock City-wide Chlorination Project

The City of Turlock is adding disinfectant at 18 wells and three storage tanks within the City’s water system (21 sites total). Sodium hypochlorite will be injected on the pipe manifold of each well and discharge manifolds for each of the tanks. A sampling port located at least ten pipe diameters downstream from the injection point will draw approximately 10 gallons/hour of water for the chlorine analyzer which will ensure that the level of chlorine in the water entering the distribution system is within the appropriate limits. The waste stream from the analyzers will be discharged to the sewer at a rate of 10 gallons per hour. The sodium hypochlorite will be a 12.5% liquid solution that will be stored in double-contained approximately 250-500 gallon tanks. An approximately 10 foot by 12 foot prefabricated enclosure will be added to each well site to house the sodium hypochlorite and chlorine analyzer. Each of the tank sites have a spare room in the existing pump buildings which will be utilized to house the sodium hypochlorite and analyzers. An eyewash station and shower will also be installed near the chemical storage location in case of emergency. A “Mitigated Negative Declaration” is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.

Address: City-Wide Quadrant: All
APN: Application Received: 10/23/2020
Contact: City of Turlock Engineer Adam Hutchings - 209-668-5520
Planner: Adam Hutchings
Status: December 8, 2020

Site Plan
Initial Study

CUP 2019-05 Costco Parking Addition-Revised

Costco has revised their previous site plan to develop two vacant lots, located at 2701 and 2801 N. Tegner Road, Stanislaus County APNs 088-018-020 and 088-018-021 with a total of approximately 247 additional on-site parking spaces. Additional paving, landscaping, striping and lighting will be installed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Developments].

Address: 2701 & 2801 n Tegner Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 088-018-020 & -021 Zoning District: Commercial Thoroughfare (CT)
Application Received: 3/10/2020
Contact: Costco Wholesale (425)251-6222
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, May 7, 2020
Status: Approved May 7, 2020

CUP 2020-01 Natural Health Center (NHC)

The applicant, Natural Healing Center (NHC), is applying for a conditional use permit to operate a cannabis retail dispensary in the existing building located at 3401 W. Monte Vista Avenue , Stanislaus County APN 087-003-039. Site improvements will include interior remodeling of the building, changes to the building façade and the addition of a 10-foot-tall fenced area along the eastern elevation of the building for a secured delivery area.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]

Address: 3401 W Monte Vista Ave Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-003-039 Zoning District: Planned Development 233 (PD233)
Application Received: 7/6/2020
Contact: Randall Russom (805) 543-1794
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, August 6, 2020
Status: Approved August 6, 2020

Site Plan
NOE for Development Agreement

CUP 2020-02 JDI Farms Inc

JDI Farms, Inc. has submitted an application for a conditional use permit to operate a cannabis cultivation, manufacturing, and distribution business in the existing 98,770 square foot building at 600 D Street, Stanislaus County APN 043-018-016. JDI Farms will employ approximately 40 employees operating in three shifts. JDI Farms, Inc. will make interior tenant improvements defining the areas of cultivation, manufacturing and distribution. No façade improvements or changes, other than exterior painting, are proposed for the exterior of the building. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301[Existing Facilities].

Address: 600 D Street Quadrant: SE
APN: 043-018-016 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 12/18/2020
Contact: Darron Silva (209) 216-8966
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, March 4, 2021
Status: Approved March 4, 2021

Site Plan

MAA 2020-01 Matt Sherman

The applicant is proposing to operate an auto body shop in an existing building at 815 West F Street (Stanislaus County APN: 043-001-006). Tenant improvements include the addition of a paint booth. No outdoor storage of vehicles is proposed as part of this project. No changes are proposed to the building exteriors or architectural style. No modifications are proposed to the existing landscaping or parking.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]

Address: 815 W F Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 043-001-006 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 1/15/2020
Contact: Matt Sherman (831) 512-4501
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved February 24, 2020

Site Plan

MAA 2020-04 Antoine Varani

The applicant is proposing to add approximately 254 square feet of office space to an existing dental office building, located at 527 E. Olive Avenue (Stanislaus County APN: 061-029-066). As part of the addition, modifications to the exterior façade of the building are also proposed. The modifications include reroofing the building with composite shingles and the installation of a new aluminum storefront door and windows. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]

Address: 527 E Olive Ave Quadrant: SE
APN: 061-029-066-000 Zoning District: Commercial Office (CO)
Application Received: 4/24/2020
Contact: Antoine Varani (209) 667-8874
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved June 10, 2020

Site Plan

MAA 2020-05 Marco Rivera - R6 Fitness

The applicant is requesting authorization for a personal training facility, R6 Fitness, to operate within an Industrial zoned district at 3060 Commerce Way (Stanislaus County APN: 044-006-025). The subject property in which R6 Fitness is proposing to locate has a limited number of parking spaces which has triggered concerns in providing adequate amount of parking. R6 Fitness is a group and personal training gym set-up by appointments only with around 5 classes per day and a limited number of clients per class. R6 hours of operations are from 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. with peak hours expected to be from 5:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The gym will have a maximum of four (4) trainers and no more than eight to ten (8-10) customers at any given time.Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15301 [Existing Facilities],

Address: 3060 Commerce Way Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-006-025 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 6/12/2020
Contact: Marco Rivera (209) 202-8419
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved July 15, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2018-14 Amend-RJ Singh

The applicant is requesting to amend a previously approved Minor Discretionary Permit to allow for the development of a 0.869 acre parcel located at 2120 W. Main Street (Stanislaus County APN 044-007-003). The proposal is a redesign of the property to construct an approximately 3,366 square foot drive-through car wash, vacuum/detailing area, a 767 square foot 2-story car wash kiosk/office building, 4-pump covered fueling island, and 1,800 square foot automotive repair shop. On-site improvements include parking, paving, landscaping, and trash enclosure. Associated off-site improvements will also be constructed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [Infill Development Projects]

Address: 2120 W Main Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-007-003 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 7/6/2020
Contact: RJ Singh (209) 735-2121
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved August 24, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2019-06 Amendment (Turlock One Stop Valero)

The applicant has submitted an amendment to the previously approved project (routed July 29, 2019) located at 2500 Fulkerth Road, Stanislaus County APN: 089-019-021. The original minor discretionary permit was approved to allow for the construction of a gas station with a 6-pump fuel island and canopy, a convenience mart with a drive-through for a quick serve restaurant, and a car wash with vacuum stalls and a canopy. The amended project and site plan includes the approximately 5,000 square foot convenience mart with a quick serve restaurant in the same location; however, the drive-through for the restaurant has been removed and replaced with landscaping. The car wash and vacuum stalls have been removed from the project and replaced with a 2,200 square foot drive-through restaurant and parking. The 6-pump fuel island and canopy are proposed to remain in the same location as they were previously approved.TMC: 9-5-307. This project is Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act CEQA §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects]

Address: 2500 Fulkerth Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 089-019-021 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 9/3/2020
Contact: VAI – Robert Vermeltfoort – (559) 432-6744
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved November 3, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2019-08 Amend-Anderson Litfin

The applicant has submitted an amendment to the previous site plan (routed July 24, 2019) for the construction of a 21,191 square foot concrete tilt-up warehouse building with a 14,950 square foot outdoor storage yard located in the Enterprise Park industrial subdivision. The July 24, 2019 site plan proposed to build two warehouse buildings with outdoor storage yards across three parcels (tentative lots 11-13). The amended site plan proposes to build one warehouse building with an outdoor storage yard on tentative lots 12-13, in the industrial subdivision. The applicant is also proposing to abandon the access easement at the end of Olympic Drive and incorporate it into the landscaping, sidewalk, curb and gutter. Additional on-site improvements include parking spaces, paving, fencing, and landscaping. The vesting tentative subdivision map for Enterprise Park has not been finalized or recorded. The merger of lots 12 and 13 will be reflected on the final map. A copy of the vesting tentative subdivision map has been included for reference.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects]

Address: 1950 Olympic Dr Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-017-082 Zoning District: Planned Development 172 (PD172)
Application Received: 8/14/2020
Contact: Anderson Litfin (209) 667-4141
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved October 14, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-01 Elum Industrial Campus

The applicant is proposing to parcel a 9.6-acre property for the development of an Industrial-Business Park. The applicant will be submitting an application to the Engineering Division to divide the property into four approximately 1-acre parcels and one 3.67-acre parcel. Parcel 4 will be developed with a 32,705 square foot manufacturing building, associated office space, parking, fencing, and landscaping. The existing home shown on Parcel 2 will remain, a storm water basin is proposed on the remainder. No development has been proposed or approved for Parcels 1 and 3 as part of this application. A new industrial roadway will provide access to the parcels. Off-site improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalks, will be constructed. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.

Address: 812 Fransil Ln Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-001-011 Zoning District: Industrial Business Park (IBP)
Application Received: 1/31/2020
Contact: Ron West (209) 985-8895
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved July 13, 2020

Site Plan
Initial Study

MDP 2020-02 Turlock Self Storage

The applicant is proposing to develop a self-storage facility on a 3.28-acre vacant parcel located at 528 Dianne Drive (Stanislaus County APN: 089-013-002). The facility will be comprised of six buildings totaling 78,484 square feet with 478 storage units, and a two-story office and manager/caretaker’s unit. Associated on and off-site improvements include parking, security lighting, fencing, paving, landscaping, and frontage improvements. The office will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 7-days a week, for customers and also used to store items needed to maintain the facility and grounds. The storage grounds will be gated; however, customers will be able to access the property with a designated gate code from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15162 [Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations].

Address: 528 Dianne Dr Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-013-002 Zoning District: Industrial Business Park (IBP)
Application Received: 2/7/2020
Contact: Carlo Development LLC (650) 241-9124
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved June 22, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-03 Gonzalez Pallets

The applicant is proposing to develop a 1-acre portion a 20-acre property for the manufacturing, repairing, and storing of wood pallets. An existing residence will be used as a caretaker/guard residence and office. An approximately 4,000 square foot structure/warehouse will be constructed for manufacturing, repairing, and storing the wood pallets. An additional open area adjacent to the warehouse structure will also be used for storage of the wood pallets. Seven parking stalls, onsite paving, security lighting, and landscaping are also proposed.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities] and/or §15332 [Infill Development Projects].

Address: 3800 Ruble Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-004-005 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 2/12/2020
Contact: Luis Avalos (209) 678-0590
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved April 13, 2020

Site Plans

MDP 2020-04 Fulkerth 76

The applicant is requesting to develop a gas station with a convenience store on an approximately 1.34-acre property located at 2700 Fulkerth Road (Stanislaus County APN: 089-019-027). The proposed project includes an eight (8) pump canopied gas station, 3,250 square foot full service car wash with associated vacuum stalls, and an approximately 4,400 square foot convenience store, including a drive-through deli and gift shop. Improvements include parking, landscaping, and frontage improvements along Fulkerth Road are also proposed as part of the project.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [Infill Development Projects].

Address: 2700 Fulkerth Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 089-019-027 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 2/18/2020
Contact: Magallon Construction Co (209) 883-4483
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved June 5, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-05 Sabino Urrutia

The applicant is proposing to develop an approximately 1.77-acre property at 2325 Industrial Rowe (Stanislaus County APN: 044-009-020) as a truck yard for the parking of large semi-trucks and heavy vehicles. The loading and unloading of truck shipments are not being proposed and is not part of this request. Onsite improvements include parking stall striping, fencing, paving, and landscaping. Frontage improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are existing.

Address: 2325 Industrial Rowe Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-009-020-000 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 3/2/2020
Contact: Sabino Urrutia (209) 872-2099
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved April 13, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-08 Susana Avalos

The applicant has applied for an amendment to the sign program for the Turlock Town Center shopping center at 501-783 N. Golden State Boulevard (Stanislaus County APNs 061-041-001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 009, 010, 012, 013). This amendment to the sign program will include a new 20-foot tall multi-tenant monument sign to be located near the Golden State/Geer Road entrance; relocate the existing 20-foot tall multi-tenant monument sign at the West Canal Drive entrance to accommodate the drive-through for a proposed restaurant, and will update the tenant classifications and wall sign criteria to comply with the Turlock Municipal Code (sign ordinance). If the amendment is approved, the existing tenant wall signs and tenant panels on the existing monument signs will be required to comply with the amended sign program when new tenant signs are proposed.

Address: 673 W Main St Quadrant: SW
APN: 061-014-064 Zoning District: Low Density Residential (RL)
Application Received: 2/27/2020
Contact: Susana Avalos (209)416-7871
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved April 13, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-10 MCG Architecture

MCG Architecture has submitted an application to remodel the interior and exterior of the existing building located at 775 N Golden State Boulevard, for a restaurant with a drive-through and future retail space. To accommodate the restaurant drive-through lane, on the 0.282-acre parcel, five parking spaces will be eliminated and the existing 20-foot multi-tenant monument sign will be relocated approximately 30-feet to the north along the West Canal Drive frontage. The existing trash enclosure will be relocated near the Western Dental building on Stanislaus County APN:061-0410-01 and the area will be reconfigured to accommodate the drive-through lane exit and landscaping.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 775 N Golden State Blvd Quadrant: NW
APN: 061-041-002 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 3/20/2020
Contact: MCG Architecture (949) 553-1117
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved June 15, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-11 API Architecture

The applicant is proposing to develop an approximately 1.26-acre property at 199 W. Canal Drive (Stanislaus County APN: 042-009-031) for a restaurant with a drive-through. A future restaurant with drive-through is shown on the plans for conceptual purposes only and is not part of this review or approval. The existing structures will be demolished. Onsite improvements include paving, parking, parking lot strip, and landscaping. Frontage improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk will also be constructed.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [Infill Development Projects].

Address: 199 W Canal Drive Quadrant: SW
APN: 042-009-031-000 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 3/31/2020
Contact: API Architectue 209-577-4661
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved June 18, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-12-Ismael Covarrubias Outdoor Dining

The project is a proposed, approximately 803 square foot outdoor seating area with approximately 52 seats for use by a future restaurant at 214 and 216 W. Main Street (Stanislaus County APN 061-016-020). Decorative fencing will be installed within the right-of-way to create the outdoor seating area. A minimum of four feet of unobstructed sidewalk will be maintained to ensure adequate space for pedestrian traffic on the adjacent sidewalk. The proposed relocation of the existing statue/fountain is not part of this application.This project is EXEMPT from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 214 & 216 W Main Street Quadrant: SE
APN: 061-016-020 Zoning District: Downtown Core (DC)
Application Received: 4/8/2020
Contact: Ismael Covarrubias (209) 678-7999
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved July 28, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-13 MCG Arch-McDonald's

MCG Architecture has submitted an application to construct a new 4,500 square foot fast food restaurant with a drive-through at 693 & 699 N. Golden State Boulevard (Stanislaus County APNs 061-041-006 & 061-041-005 respectively). The existing buildings on the two parcels will be demolished and the properties reconfigured to accommodate the restaurant, drive-through, parking, and landscaping. Project is Exempt from CEQA §15332 (Infill Development Projects)

Address: 693 & 699 N Golden State Blvd Quadrant: SE
APN: 061-041-005 & -006 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 5/20/2020
Contact: MCG Architecture / Jeff Botich (949) 553-1117
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved July 15, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-14 Thorsen's-Norquist

Thorsen’s Heating, Plumbing and Air Conditioning is requesting approval to increase the storage/warehouse area of their existing building at 2310 N. Walnut Road (Stanislaus County APN: 071-052-009). The AC/heating, plumbing and electrical contractor operates from an existing 19,500 square foot building. The proposal will add 2,500 square feet of warehouse/storage area increasing the overall building square footage to 22,000 square feet. No changes to the existing onsite parking and landscaping is proposed.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]

Address: 2310 N Walnut Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 071-052-009 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 6/18/2020
Contact: Craig Pitau (209) 620-0422
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved July 21, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-15 Alpha Poultry

The applicant is proposing to develop three approximately .462 acre lots located at 3260 and 3280 Liberty Square Parkway and 654 Isaac Way, Stanislaus County APNs 044-066-004, 005 and 006 with one approximately 27,664 square foot warehouse building for an expansion of Alpha Poultry. A lot line adjustment would be processed to combine the lots into one parcel. The applicant is also proposing to apply to abandon Isaac Way to use the area for on-site parking and circulation.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [Infill Development Projects]

Address: 3260 & 3280 Liberty Square Pkwy, & 654 Isaac Way Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-066-004;-005; 006 Zoning District: Planned Development 230 (PD230)
Application Received: 7/6/2020
Contact: Sama Properties LLC (209) 874-6149
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved December 22, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-16-Monte Vista Vet-Shade Canopy

The proposed project is for the construction of a 20’x130’ (2,600 square foot) metal parking shade canopy that will cover approximately 17 existing parking spaces at 901 E. Monte Vista Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 072-045-040). The metal parking shade canopy is approximately 14-feet tall at the highest point. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]

Address: 901 E Monte Vista Ave Quadrant: NW
APN: 072-045-040 Zoning District: Planned Development 164 (PD164)
Application Received: 7/24/2020
Contact: Rob Santos (209) 634-0023
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved September 8, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-17 Joe Gomes & Sons

The proposed project is the construction of a new above ground fuel tank storage area with secondary containment and construction of a new fuel dispensing area. The above ground fuel tanks range in height from 13-feet to 26-feet and are surrounded by a 3-foot tall concrete block retaining wall. The new fuel dispensing area will be covered with a new 19-foot tall, 330 square foot fuel canopy and include 8 fuel dispensing pumps. The existing 8 pump fuel dispensing area including the underground fuel tanks will be removed. This area will be paved and integrated into the on-site circulation pattern. The project is located at 705 & 725 N. Tully Road (Stanislaus County APNs 089-014-002 and 089-014-003).This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]

Address: 705 & 725 N Tully Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-014-002 & -003 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 7/29/2020
Contact: Joe Gomes & Sons (209) 632-3111
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved September 25, 2020

Site Plan

MDP 2020-21 Golden Highway LLC

: Golden State Highway LLC has submitted an application to develop a 1.26-acre property with a 14,000 square foot medical office building located at 2450 Fulkerth Road (Stanislaus County APN 089-019-023). The single-story medical office building will be approximately 30-feet tall. Access to the medical office building is provided from Fulkerth Road through a right-in, right-out non-exclusive 30-foot wide private access and utility easement. A 10-foot landscape bed will be planted along the State Route 99 frontage. A 7-foot tall masonry wall will be constructed along the south and east property lines abutting the residential districts. Additional on-site improvements include paving, parking stalls, parking lot lighting, striping, and landscaping. This project is Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act CEQA §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects]

Address: 2450 Fulkerth Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-019-023-000 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 9/21/2020
Contact: Golden Highway LLC (209-756-4832)
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved January 25, 2021

Site Plan

MDP 2020-22 Rich Murdoch

The applicant has submitted an application to develop a 0.82-acre property with a 10,125 square foot medical office building located at 1504 Colorado Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 042-019-002). The existing building onsite will be removed. The proposed single-story medical office building is approximately 30-feet tall. Access to the medical office building is provided from the existing driveway on Colorado Avenue with a secondary access from the 20-foot alley at the rear of the property (east property line). A small 840 square foot suite has been included for a small bakery. Frontage improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are already constructed along the Colorado frontage. On-site improvements include paving, parking stalls, parking lot lighting, striping, and landscaping. CEQA DETERMINATION: TMC: 9-5-307 Exempt §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects]

Address: 1504 Colorado Ave Quadrant: SE
APN: 042-019-002 Zoning District: Commercial Office (CO)
Application Received: 10/2/2020
Contact: Rich Murdoch (209-848-1619)
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved January 21, 2021

Site Plan

MDP 2020-23 Darrin Packnit

The applicant is proposing to develop the 5-acre parcel at 2925 W. Main Street (Stanislaus County APN 089-012-007) for an open air RV and boat storage facility. The project proposes to construct approximately 350 RV and boat parking spaces, an approximately 350 square foot office building, covered customer parking, security lighting, paving, fencing, and landscaping. Off-site frontage improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk will also be constructed. The project proposed to be constructed in phases dependent on demand and vacancy and at the discretion of the owner/developer. CEQA DETERMINATION: TMC: 9-5-307 Exempt §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects]

Address: 2925 W Main Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-012-007 Zoning District: Industrial Business Park (IBP)
Application Received: 10/20/2020
Contact: Darrin Packnit (209) 678-1271
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved March 22, 2021

Site Plan

MDP 2020-25 M&C Investments

M&C Investments has submitted an application to develop a 1-acre property with a 16,000 square foot warehouse building at 2400 Maryann Drive (Stanislaus County APN 089-014-035). The warehouse building has been designed to accommodate multiple tenants. Specific tenants have not been identified at this time. On-site improvements include paving, parking, and landscaping. Off-site improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalks have been constructed along the Kilroy Road and Maryann Drive frontages TMC: 9-5-307 Exempt §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects]

Address: 2400 Maryann Dr Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-014-035 Zoning District: Industrial Business Park (IBP)
Application Received: 12/4/2020
Contact: Robert Fernandes-209-495-0708
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved February 9, 2021

Site Plan

MDP 2020-26 Tarjinder Shergill

The applicant is proposing to develop a 10-acre parcel at 1037 S. Kilroy Road (Stanislaus County APN 044-010-011) for semi-truck and trailer parking. The project will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 will develop approximately 4.5-acres for 72 truck/trailer parking spaces and 8 personal automobile parking spaces. Full frontage improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk will be constructed along Kilroy Road as part of Phase 1. The existing house will remain and used as a residence. Onsite paving, landscaping, security lighting, and perimeter fencing will also be constructed as part of Phase I. Phase 2 will develop the remaining approximately 6-acres with an additional 86 truck/trailer parking spaces. Phase 2 is anticipated to begin 24-36 after the completion of Phase 1. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.

Address: 1037 S Kilroy Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-010-011 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 12/9/2020
Contact: Tarjinder Shergill 209-648-5602
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved March 22, 2021

Site Plan
Initial Study

Time Ext for CUP 2006-04 (Sikh Temple)

The applicant is requesting a one year time extension for the previously approved Conditional Use Permit 2006-04 Amendment which allowed for the construction of a new two story approximately 21,000 square foot building. The first floor of the building will consist of a dining area and a kitchen and the second floor will have a conference room, priest residence and guest rooms. The subject property is located at 1391 Fifth Street, Stanislaus County APN 043-017-026. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]

Address: 1391 Fifth Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 043-017-026 Zoning District: Low Density Residential (RL)
Application Received: 1/3/2020
Contact: Paul Bagha (916) 70-0995
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved May 7, 2020

Site Plan

Time Ext for MDP 2011-07 Blue Diamond

The applicant is requesting a time extension for the previously approved ±451,637 square foot food processing facility.The project was anticipated to be constructed in three phases. The two previous phases constructed approximately 288,741 square feet of the food processing facility, administrative offices, 210 parking spaces, onsite storm drain basins, landscaping, outbuildings and truck docks. Full frontage improvements have also been constructed.The east expansion (Phase 3 on the site plan) will add approximately 100,000 square feet to the processing facility including additional truck docks. Additional paving around the east expansion will provide circulation around the facility and fire access. Phasing of the 100,000 square foot building expansion is at the discretion of the developer; however, this time extension will expire 24-months after the date of approval if construction of the east expansion has not begun or the use commenced.When complete, the food processing facility will operate 6-days per week, 24-hours per day in three shifts, and employ approximately 232 people. This project is Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA §15162 “Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations”)

Address: 1300 N Washington Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-001-015 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 8/14/2020
Contact: Blue Diamond Growers (916) 275-5179
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved October 19, 2020

Site Plan

TULP 2020-02 Ace Hardware

ACE Hardware is requesting approval to have a Grand Opening promotional event on February 15, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm at 3051 Geer Road (Stanislaus County APN). Setup for the event will begin Friday, February 14th at 6:00 p.m. Tear down will begin Saturday, February 15th at 2:00 p.m. ending by 3:00 p.m. Two 10’X10’, one 20’x20’ vendor canopies and the Friends of Turlock Animal Shelter mobile unit will be set up in the parking lot. There will be a D.J., vendors, and gifts and prizes will be given out to customers. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15304 [Minor Alterations to Land].

Address: 3051 Geer Rd Quadrant: NE
APN: 071-007-007 Zoning District: Planned Development 12 (PD12)
Application Received: 1/27/2020
Contact: Kelly Ediger (913) 888-8438
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved February 7, 2020

Site Plan

For questions or comments about these projects, please contact:

Planning Division
156 S. Broadway, Ste. 120
Turlock, CA 95380-5456
(209) 668-5640
Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM

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