Archived Commercial & Industrial Projects
Current Year: 2019
Previous Years: 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Abandonment 18-01-Turlock Walnut CO
The applicant proposes to abandon approximately 399 feet of right-of-way along 3rd Street between C St and D St, in accordance with California Government Code Section 65402(a). The proposed abandonment is located adjacent to 400 and 401 3rd St, and an unaddressed parcel (Stanislaus County APNs 043-048-012, 043-049-076 and 043-049-075).Address: 400 and 401 3rd St, and an unaddressed parcel Quadrant: SW
APN: 043-048-012, 043-049-076, & 043-049-075 Zoning District: Planned Development 273
Application Received: 6/12/2019
Contact: Nick Hackler 209-668-0955
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, July 18, 2019
Status: Approved 7/18/2019
Site Plans
Amendment to CUP 2018-03 Ventana Design
The applicant is requesting a one-year time extension to the previously approved 85-room, 4-story hotel proposed on the 1.85-acre parcel at 4475 N. Golden State Boulevard (Stanislaus County APN 087-001-068). The previous approval allowed an exception to the 35-foot height limit established in the Northwest Triangle Specific Plan for the Heavy Commercial (CH) zoning District to facilitate the construction of the hotel. The hotel measures 61’6” from grade to the highest point and includes an indoor pool. A total of 93 onsite-parking spaces are proposed. Additional onsite improvements include paving, parking lot striping, onsite lighting, and landscaping; off-site improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are also proposed. No changes from the previous submittal and approval are proposed. TMC 9-5-307 “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15162 “Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations”Address: 4475 N Golden State Blvd Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-001-068-000 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 9/25/2019
Contact: Ventana Design & Development (209) 606-6724
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019
Status: Approved 12/5/2019
Site Plans
Comprehensive Sign Program (CSP) 2019-01-Turlock Retail
Turlock Retail has applied for a comprehensive sign program for a multi-tenant retail building and drive-through coffee kiosk proposed at 1201 W. Monte Vista Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 071-004-012). The comprehensive sign program will detail the size and location of wall and monument signs for the proposed retail center. Approval of the comprehensive sign program is subject to the approval of the General Plan Amendment and Rezone (Planned Development) to develop the 1.42-acre property for commercial use.Address: 1201 W Monte Vista Ave Quadrant: NW
APN: 071-004-012 Zoning District: High Density Residential (RH)
Application Received: 2/6/2019
Contact: Turlock Retail LP (415) 227-2200
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, May 2, 2019
Status: Approved 5/2/2019
CUP 2015-03 Amend Lander Crossing Sign
The applicant is requesting an amendment to the existing Sign Program to allow the relocation of the existing 40-foot pylon sign from parcel 044-064-026 (1841 Lander Avenue) to parcel 044-064-023 (1861 Lander Avenue). Amendment to PD 190 for an 85-room hotel would construct a portion of the hotel in the same location where the pylon currently sits. The sign will not increase in height or sign area and will still be located in the Lander Crossings retail center.Address: 1841 Lander Ave Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-064-026 Zoning District: PD 190
Application Received: 2/4/2019
Contact: A Plus Signs (559) 275-0700
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, April 18, 2019
Status: Approved April 18, 2019
Site Plan
CUP 2017-01 Amend-Commercial Arch
The applicant is requesting approval to amend the previously approved conditional use permit for a banquet hall/event center and future restaurant. The amendment reduces the size of the banquet hall from 43,515 square feet to 18, 200 square feet and changes the architectural elevations of the building. The area identified for a future 7,000 square foot restaurant has not changed in size. The banquet hall/event center specializes in full-service catering and event planning. The typical scheduled events are weddings & receptions, corporate events, conventions, birthday parties, proms, quinceañeras, and other similar events. All events have to opportunity to also provide live entertainment. An outdoor landscaped area will provide additional event space. Mirage Banquet Hall will operate seven days a week with most events occurring Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. When there are no events scheduled employees and administrative staff will be on-site during normal business hours, typically from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, preparing for the scheduled events. The applicant has identified a pad area in front of the banquet hall to construct an approximately 7,100 square foot future restaurant. At this time a specific tenant or type of restaurant has not been identified. Any proposal to construct a restaurant or other commercial/retail building will be subject to Design Review through the City of Turlock’s Minor Discretionary Permit Process prior to construction. Approximately 318 parking spaces are proposed to support the banquet hall and the future restaurant. Other on-site improvements will include paving, landscaping, and site lighting. Off-site improvements such as curb, gutter, sidewalks, and street trees will also be constructed.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15162 [Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declaration].Address: 2250 & 2218 W Main Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-007-024 & -040 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 10/22/2019
Contact: Stacey Wellnitz (209) 571-8158
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, January 16, 2020
Status: Approved January 16, 2020
Site Plans
CUP 2019-01 Knights of Columbus
The applicant is requesting approval to allow two additional mobile food trucks for a total of three food trucks and a permanent seating area at 1030 East Avenue (Stanislaus County APN: 043-050-024). The site is zoned Transitional Commercial and is currently developed with an approximately 2,581 square foot building used by the Knights of Columbus. The existing parking lot will be restriped to accommodate approximately 41 parking spaces. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15311 [Accessory Structures] of Title 14 of the California Code of RegulationsAddress: 1030 East Ave Quadrant: SE
APN: 043-050-024 Zoning District: Transitional Commercial (TC)
Application Received: 4/4/2019
Contact: Turlock Columbian Properties (209) 985-2526
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, January 16, 2020
Status: Approved January 16, 2020
Site Plans
CUP 2019-03 Verizon Wireless/Epic
: Epic Wireless Group, on behalf of Verizon Wireless, is requesting approval to install and operate a 68-foot tall monopine wireless communication facility (cell tower). The cell tower will be located behind the In-Shape gym at 2710 Geer Road (Stanislaus County APN 072-014-060). The monopine and associated ground equipment will be located within a 742.5 square foot (24.75’x30’) fenced area. Four antenna sectors with three antenna per sector will be located at the top of the monopine. Associated equipment includes equipment cabinets, service light, stand-by emergency diesel generator with a 92-gallon fuel tank, and other supporting ancillary equipment. A 6-foot tall chain link fence with vinyl slates and security wire will surround the leased area. A technician will visit the site on average once a month for routine maintenance. A “Mitigated Negative Declaration” is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.Address: 2710 Geer Road Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-014-060-000 Zoning District: Planned Development 34
Application Received: 8/6/2019
Contact: Verizon Wireless (530) 368-2357
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, November 7, 2019
Status: Approved 11/7/2019
Site Plans
Initial Study
CUP 2019-04 Nivel Restaurant
The applicant, Jose Pulido, has submitted an application to re-open a restaurant with live entertainment in an existing building located at 309 N. Center Street (Stanislaus County APN 061-024-065). The two-story building is approximately 11,104 square feet in size. The lower and main floors as well as the outdoor patio area are proposed to be used for the restaurant and live entertainment. Approximately 1,000 square feet of the upper floor is used as an office to support the restaurant operations. The existing onsite parking will be paved and striped to meet City standards. On-street parking, adjacent to the project, will also be improved to City standards. The 5,250 square foot parcel at 311 Mitchell Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 061-024-064) will be improved to provide additional parking for the project. The applicant has proposed two parking options. Option 1 provides 16 parking stalls developed to City standards. Option 2 proposes paving and striping the site and voluntarily using valet parking. The applicant estimates they could accommodate approximately 26 cars with valet parking.A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.Address: 309 N Center Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 061-024-065 Zoning District: Transitional Commercial (TC)
Application Received: 8/6/2019
Contact: Jose Pulido (209) 743-0840
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019
Status: Approved 12/5/2019
Site Plans
Initial Study
CUP 2019-06 The Evergreen Market
The applicant, Evergreen Market, is applying for a conditional use permit to operate a cannabis retail dispensary in the existing building located at 1200 N. Golden State Boulevard, Stanislaus County APN 042-006-012. A portion of the required on-site parking for the business will be located on the adjacent lot at 1148 N. Golden State Boulevard, Stanislaus County APN 042-006-011.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].Address: 1200 N Golden State Blvd Quadrant: NW
APN: 042-006-012 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 10/20/2019
Contact: The Evergreen Market (206) 852-7155
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, April 2, 2020
Status: Under Review
Site Plan
CUP 2019-07 Perfect Union Turlock
The applicant, Perfect Union, is applying for a conditional use permit to operate a cannabis retail dispensary in the existing building located at 2500 N. Golden State Boulevard, Stanislaus County APN 088-007-025. Site improvements will include interior remodeling of the building and re-striping of the parking lot. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]Address: 2500 N Golden State Blvd Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-007-025 Zoning District: Community Commercial CC
Application Received: 10/4/2019
Contact: David Spradlin (916) 708-4095
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, March 5, 2020
Status: Approved March 5, 2020
Site Plans
CUP 2019-08 (Firehouse Cooperative Inc)
The applicant, Firehouse Cooperative Inc., is applying for a conditional use permit to operate a cannabis retail dispensary in the existing building. Site improvements will include interior remodeling of the building.Address: 1601 West Main Street Quadrant: SE
APN: 089-0015-006 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 11/5/2019
Contact: Devin Stetler (209) 554-0811
Planner: Katie Qunitero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, January 16, 2020
Status: Approved 1/16/2020-CC 3/10/2020
Site Plan
GPA 19-01, RZN 19-01 PD 277-Turlock Dental Care
The applicant is requesting a General Plan Amendment and Rezone of the property from Medium Density Residential, Planned Development 256 to Commercial Office (CO) to allow for the construction of a 7,112 square foot dental office and a 3,727 square foot medical and/or professional office building. On the approximately 1.4 acre parcel located at 3131 Colorado Avenue, Stanislaus County APN 072-012-056. A Planned Development application is also included in this request to further limit the allowable uses on the site to medical or professional office uses. Approximately eighty parking spaces are proposed to accommodate the development. On-site improvements such as paving, landscaping and parking lot striping will also be installed.Address: 3131 Colorado Ave Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-012-056 Zoning District: Planned Development 256
Application Received: 2/6/2019
Contact: Dr Robert McCulla - 209-667-7889
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, May 2, 2019
Status: Approved 7/9/2019
Site Plans
Initial Study
GPA 2019-01, Rez 19-02 PD 276-Warrior Crossing
The applicant is requesting a General Plan Amendment and Rezone of the 1.4-acre property at 1201 W. Monte Vista Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 071-004-012) from High Density Residential to Community Commercial to allow for the construction of a 832 square foot drive-through coffee kiosk and an approximately 6,776 square foot multi-tenant commercial/retail building. Access to the commercial center is provided from Crowell Road and a right-in, right-out only driveway from Monte Vista Avenue. A Planned Development application is also included in the request to establish the uses permitted in the retail center. On- and off-site improvements including paving, parking lot striping, landscaping, and frontage improvements along Crowell and Monte Vista Avenue are also proposed.Address: 1201 W Monte Vista Ave Quadrant: NW
APN: 071-004-012 Zoning District: High Density Residential (RH)
Application Received: 2/6/2019
Contact: Turlock Retail LP_415-227-2200
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, May 2, 2019
Status: Approved 7/9/2019
Site Plans
Initial Study
MAA 2019-01 Arco Canopy & Fuel Pump Modification
The applicant is requesting approval to remove the existing 1,710 square foot canopy and replace it with a 3,321 square foot canopy and add two fuel pumps under the new canopy area. The trash enclosure will also be relocated and the parking will be reconfigured. The proposed project is located at 150 E. Monte Vista Avenue (Stanislaus County APN: 072-010-060 and is zoned Community Commercial (CC).Address: 150 E Mont Vista Ave Quadrant: NE
APN: 071-010-060 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 1/24/2019
Contact: Alex Cuevas (213) 448-3911
Planner: Katie Quintero ext 2215
Status: Approved May 9, 2019
Site Plan
MAA 2019-02-The Olive Building
Masacaja Holdings LLC has submitted an application for the interior and exterior façade remodel of the building at 146 N. Golden State Boulevard (Stanislaus County APN 061-018-024). The interior remodel consists of improvements to the first and second floors, including the addition of an elevator, in preparation for future tenants. The exterior façade remodel includes stucco, new window storefronts, new exterior wall colors, new stone veneer, and awnings.Address: 146 N Golden State Blvd Quadrant: SE
APN: 061-018-024 Zoning District: Downtown Core (DC)
Application Received: 2/27/2019
Contact: Deanna Lascano (209) 664-3311
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved May 29, 2019
Site Plans
MAA 2019-04 Calvary Chapel of Turlock
Calvary Chapel of Turlock has submitted an application for the interior and exterior remodel of the building at 153 S. Broadway (Stanislaus County APN 061-016-046). The scope of work includes remodeling the existing banquet area to the main sanctuary worship space with a new raised roof with vaulted ceilings, the addition of a second floor with office space, covered porch entry, and the remodeling of the existing bar area for the church office, reception and meeting room. An addition of 285 square feet of building area will be added to the first floor, with an additional 712 square feet of building area for the second floor.Address: 153 S Broadway Quadrant: SE
APN: 061-016-046 Zoning District: Downtown Core (DC)
Application Received: 4/25/2019
Contact: Calvary Chapel of Turlock (209) 634-4200
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved 8/6/2019
Site Plans
MAA 2019-05 Turlock Masonic Lodge
The Turlock Masonic Lodge located at 108 S. Thor St. (Stanislaus County APN 061-025-016), is proposing to remove and replace the existing entryway awning due to the extensive dry rot. Although not listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the California Historical Landmarks, or California Register of Historical Resources the 18,000 square foot building was constructed in 1920. The Turlock Masonic Lodge Association entered into an Historic Site Contract with the City of Turlock in 2003 which also placed the building on the City of Turlock’s register of historically or architecturally significant sites, places, or landmarks. A copy of the agreement is attached.CEQA DETERMINATION: Exempt CEQA§ 15301 Existing FacilitiesAddress: 108 S Thor St Quadrant: SE
APN: 061-025-016-000 Zoning District: Downtown Core (DC)
Application Received: 10/16/2019
Contact: Bailey Souza (209) 668-5721
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved November 14, 2019
Site Plans
MDP 2015-11-Time Ext 2019 Turlock Assisted Care
The applicant is applying for a one-year time extension for the previously approved licensed assisted living and memory care community. No changes from the original proposal and approval are proposed.The project is the construction of a two-story 67,430 square foot building that will include a total of 82 assisted living apartments. An existing oak tree will be retained and incorporated into the wandering garden. On-site and off-site improvements include landscaping, parking, commercial drive-ways, and two monument signs.Address: 1015 & 1043 E Main Street Quadrant: NE
APN: 042-028-003 & -004 Zoning District: Commcercial Office (CO)
Application Received: 5/22/2019
Contact: Guy Simile (209) 545-6111
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved July 12, 2019
Site Plans
MDP 2017-16 Time Ext-Kaiser Foundation
The applicant is requesting an 18-month time extension for the previously approved project at 2981 Sun Valley Court (Stanislaus County APN 087-028-017). The proposed project is the construction of a two-story, 36-40-foot tall medical office building on a 2.9-acre property. The 36,000 square foot clinic facility will provide a comprehensive range of healthcare services that may include pediatrics, family medicine, women’s health care, urgent care, oncology, behavioral health, dental, vision, and health education. Ancillary services may include pharmacy, imaging, clinical lab, staff amenities, security services, linen and laundry, environmental services and clinical technology. The hours of operation will be Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, with weekend hours between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Access to the medical office building is provided by a 32-foot wide driveway access easement from Sun Valley Court. Associated onsite parking, striping, landscaping, and lighting are also proposed. The adjacent parcel to the west of the subject site, (APN 087-028-022), is developed with the multi-tenant freeway sign and will be landscaped as part of this project. No changes to the site plan or project have been proposed since the original 2017 approval. CEQA Exempt §15332. Infill Development ProjectsAddress: 2981 Sun Valley Ct Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-028-017 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (HC)
Application Received: 10/25/2019
Contact: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (510) 987-1958
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved January 24, 2020
Site Plan
MDP 2017-20 Time Ext-Don Phillips
The applicant is applying for a one-year time extension for the previously approved warehouse addition. No changes from the original approval are proposed. The approved project consists of the construction of a new 23,200 square foot warehouse building on the remaining undeveloped portion of land located at 303 & 305 South Soderquist Road (Stanislaus County APN 050-001-024). The site is currently developed with two existing warehouse buildings totaling approximately 71,190 square feet. The expansion will include nine additional truck docks and five new parking spaces for a total of 95 on-site parking spaces for guest and employees. A 10-foot-tall sound wall will be constructed along the southeast corner of the proposed warehouse along South Soderquist Road. The sound wall will be constructed with perforated metal and contain façade elements and colors similar to the main structure. On-site improvements will include the installation of additional parking, paving, landscaping, and street trees.This time extension would allow the applicant one additional year to move forward with the previously approved project. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15162 – “Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations” of Title 14 of the California Code of RegulationsAddress: 303 & 305 S Soderquist Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 050-001-024 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 9/25/2019
Contact: Don Phillips (209) 577-2288
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved January 23, 2020
Site Plans
MDP 2019-01 Wahl, Willemse & Wilson
The applicant is proposing an interior remodel and expansion adding a second floor, approximately 3,612 square feet, to a portion of an existing building. A new elevator and two stairways will be constructed to provide access to the second floor. The new second floor addition will increase the height of the existing building to 32-feet. A “future” Phase 2 addition of approximately 1,511 square feet is shown on the plans; however, the future addition is not being reviewed or approved as part of this permit. The project is located at 401 E. Main Street, Stanislaus County APN: 061-025-012Address: 401 E Main Street Quadrant: SE
APN: 061-025-012 Zoning District: Downtown Core (DC)
Application Received: 1/14/2019
Contact: Amy Wilson (209)669-0880
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved 03/21/2019
Site Plans
MDP 2019-02 Fernandes Properties
The applicant is requesting to develop a 1.2-acre parcel located at 3090 Spengler Way (Stanislaus County APN 044-067-007) with two warehouse buildings, totaling approximately 18,160 square feet. The project will share onsite circulation with the property to the east (Stanislaus County APN 044-067-035). On-site improvements include parking, paving, and landscaping. No tenants for the buildings have been identified at this time.Address: 3090 Spengler Way Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-067-007-000 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 4/4/2019
Contact: Robert Fernandes (209) 495-0708
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved June 3, 2019
Site Plan
MDP 2019-03 Wilkey Warehouse Addition
The applicant is requesting to add approximately 2,894 square feet of building area to the existing 36,150 square foot warehouse building at 830 S. Tegner Road (Stanislaus County APN 044-067-001). An additional four parking stalls will be constructed along the north property line. No modifications to the off-site improvements are proposed.Address: 830 S Tegner Road Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-067-001 Zoning District: Planned Development 90
Application Received: 6/13/2019
Contact: Wilkey Family Trust (209) 656-0561
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved 03/21/2019
Site Plans
MDP 2019-04-Mister Car Wash
Mister Car Wash has submitted an application for the construction of a new approximately 6,450 square foot car wash, associated vacuum stalls, on-site parking, and landscaping at 1398 & 1400 Geer Road (042-012-023 & 042-012-024). This request to construct a car wash is different from the car wash approved as part of MDP 2018-08 (Prime Shine Car Wash). The layout and circulation of the proposed car wash has changed and the property at 1398 Geer Road is now included in the project. The carwash tunnel and office/storage building and vacuum stalls have switched locations. The existing lube and oil building at 1398 Geer Road will be demolished as part of the new car wash project.Address: 1398 & 1400 Geer Road Quadrant: NE
APN: 042-012-023 & -024 Zoning District: Community Commercial CC
Application Received: 6/24/2019
Contact: PS Acquisition Sub Corp (520) 615-4000
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved 10/14/2019
Site Plans
Initial Study
MDP 2019-05-Northern Refrigerated
The applicant is requesting approval for additional on-site semi-truck parking. The existing truck parking area was approved to be developed with porous materials (gravel) and is considered a legal non-conforming development. This project will be an expansion to the legal non-conforming site. The added parking is to accommodate trailers and trucks which conforms to the on-site freight terminal previously permitted in MDP 98-14. The proposed project is located at 2700 W. Main St; APN: 044-005-015Address: 2700 W Main Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-005-015 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 7/5/2019
Contact: Northern Refrigerated (209) 664-3800 x 2004
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved 7/19/2019
Site Plans
MDP 2019-06 Turlock One Stop Valero
The applicant has submitted an application requesting approval to construct a gas station with a 6-pump fuel island and canopy (3,572 square feet), an approximately 5,500 square foot convenience mart with a drive-through for a yet unidentified quick serve restaurant, and an approximately 2,400 square foot drive-through car wash with vacuum stalls and canopy (approximately 1,800 square feet). On-and off-site improvements will include paving, parking, parking stall striping, trash enclosure, landscaping, curb, gutter and sidewalks. The applicant will also be applying for a Type 21 alcohol license. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.Address: 2500 Fulkerth Road Quadrant: NW
APN: 089-019-021 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 7/8/2019
Contact: Amarpreet Kaur & Aman Sachdeva (559) 978-1682
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved 11/7/2019
Site Plans
Initial Study
MDP 2019-07 Velis Karampoor
The applicant has submitted an application for approval to construct an approximately 8,000 square foot building for the maintenance and repair of vehicles including semi-truck repair on the property at 270 W. Glenwood Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 044-017-054). On-and off-site improvements will include paving, parking, trash enclosure, landscaping, curb, gutter and sidewalks. No truck or vehicle washing is proposed at this time.Address: 270 W Glenwood Ave Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-017-054000 Zoning District: Community Commercial CC
Application Received: 7/10/2019
Contact: Velis Karampoor (209) 417-4117
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved 9/20/2019
Site Plans
Site Plans
Site Plans
MDP 2019-08 Anderson-Litfin (11-13)
The proposed project consists of the construction of two concrete tilt-up warehouse buildings in the Enterprise Park industrial subdivision. The warehouse buildings will be constructed on 1.15 acres, lots 11-13, in the industrial subdivision. The proposed buildings will be 13,640 square feet and 19,874 square feet in size, respectively. On-site parking spaces, paving, and landscaping are also proposed. The vesting tentative subdivision map for Enterprise Park has not been finalized or recorded. A copy of the vesting tentative subdivision map has been included for reference.Address: 1100 W Glenwood Ave Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-017-082 Zoning District: Planned Development 172
Application Received: 7/15/2019
Contact: Anderson-Litfin (209)-667-4141
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved October 22, 2019
Site Plans
MDP 2019-09 Anderson-Litfin (4,23,5,&6)
The proposed project consists of the construction of two metal warehouse building located in the Enterprise Park industrial subdivision. The warehouse buildings are proposed to be built on lots 4 & 23 and 5 & 6 in the Enterprise Park industrial subdivision. The warehouse buildings are 14,300 square feet and 11,880 square feet in size, respectively. Both buildings are proposed to be multi-tenant; however, specific tenants have not been identified at this time. On-site parking, paving, and landscaping are also proposed. The vesting tentative subdivision map for Enterprise Park has not been finalized or recorded. A copy of the vesting tentative subdivision map has been included for reference.Address: 1200 W Glenwood Ave Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-017-080 Zoning District: Planned Development 172
Application Received: 7/15/2019
Contact: Anderson-Litfin (209)-667-4141
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved October 23, 2019
Site Plans
MDP 2019-10 Shauna Petersen-Outdoor Dining
The project is a proposed outdoor seating area approximately 348 square feet in size to be used with the future restaurant at 341 E. Main Street. Decorative fencing will be installed within the right-of-way to create the outdoor seating area. A minimum of four feet of unobstructed sidewalk will be maintained to ensure adequate space for pedestrian traffic on the adjacent sidewalk. The applicant has also filed for a license to serve alcohol through the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) in conjunction with the proposed restaurant.Address: 341 E Main Street Quadrant: SE
APN: 061-025-056-000 Zoning District: Downtown Core (DC)
Application Received: 8/1/2019
Contact: Shauna Petersen (209) 277-0931
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved 9/20/2019
Site Plans
MDP 2019-11 Ashour Yadegar
The applicant is proposing to remodel and upgrade seven single story apartment units. The units range in size from 587 square feet to 1,015 square feet totaling approximately 4,800 square feet of building area. The existing two-story single-family home and garage will remain. The subject site is located at 603-615 20th Century Blvd (Stanislaus County APN 042-010-007), and is zoned Medium Density Residential (RM). Updates include new parking stalls, landscaping, fencing, trash enclosure, paved drive aisles as well as improvements to the building. The entrance to the site will be from the existing driveway on 20th Century Boulevard. The site will be striped with angled, one-way on-site parking spaces. The driveway on Hawkeye Avenue will be an exit only limited to a right-turn only movement. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301(d) [Existing Facilities]Address: 603-615 Twentieth Century Blvd Quadrant: NW
APN: 042-010-007 Zoning District: Medium Density REsidential (RM)
Application Received: 8/16/2019
Contact: Ashour Yadegar (415) 205-0722
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved October 31, 2019
Site Plans
MDP 2019-14 Northern Refrigerated
The applicant is requesting to add approximately 12,138 square feet of cold storage building area to the existing 46,733 square foot cold storage warehouse / truck dock building at 2700 W Main Street for Northern Refrigerated Transportation (Stanislaus County APN 044-005-015). The building addition will be approximately 55 feet in overall height. No modifications to the existing building or off-site improvements are proposed.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15322 [Infill Development Projects]Address: 2700 W Main Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-005-015-000 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 10/21/2019
Contact: Northern Refrigerated (209) 664-3800 x 200
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved December 20, 2019
Site Plans
MDP 2019-16 1199 Delbon Partners
The applicant has submitted an application to install two non-illuminated freestanding signs and four non-illuminated directory signs at 1199 Delbon Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 072-036-005). The freestanding signs are approximately 3-feet in height and will be placed at the Colorado & Delbon intersection and the Delbon driveway entrance. The existing freestanding monument sign will be removed.This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15311 [Accessory Structures-On-premise signs] of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations.Address: 1199 Delbon Ave Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-036-005 Zoning District: Planned Development 54 (PD54)
Application Received: 11/20/2019
Contact: 1199 Delbon Partners LLC (415) 686-0938
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved January 22, 2020
Site Plan
MDP 2019-18 City of Turlock-Well 38
The City of Turlock is proposing to construct and operate a water treatment system at the existing Well #38 site located on the northwest corner of Christoffersen Parkway and Mountain View Road (Stanislaus County APN: 087-026-005). The project includes the installation of a 24-foot tall equalization tank, three 15-foot tall vertical pressure filters, an 18-foot tall chemical storage enclosure, a future 24-foot tall water storage tank, a future 16-foot tall pump station, and a generator for emergency power. The existing maintenance building will be demolished and a new 18-foot tall, 2,480 square foot maintenance building will be constructed. A 7-foot tall wrought iron fence and concrete wall will surround the site and landscaping will be installed along Christoffersen Parkway, Mountain View Road, and Sandstone Street. Off-site improvements include installation of a sidewalk along Mountain View Road. City maintenance staff will access the site from the existing driveways on Christoffersen Parkway and Sandstone Street. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.Address: 2919 W Christoffersen Pkwy Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-026-005 Zoning District: Commercial Office (CO)
High Density Residential (RH)
Application Received: 12/19/2019
Contact: City of Turlock (209) 668-5640
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved April 15, 2020
Site Plan
Initial Study
Initial Study-appendix A
Initial Study-appendix B
Initial Study-appendix C
MDP 2019-19 Village Corner Prop
The applicant is proposing to relocate the existing loading and receiving area from the east side of the existing building to the rear of the building, create additional parking spaces, and relocate the existing trash enclosure. The new ground level loading and receiving will be approximately 1,145 square feet of enclosed space. The existing loading and receiving area on the east side of the building will be reconfigured for an additional 7-10 parking spaces. The existing trash enclosure will be moved further east at the rear of the building. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]Address: 2090 E Canal Dr Quadrant: SE
APN: 051-028-050-000 Zoning District: Planned Development 31 (PD31)
Application Received: 12/20/2019
Contact: Village Corner Properties LLC (209) 669-2099
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved March 30, 2020
Site Plan
PD 230 Amend-2019 Barrett Const
The applicant is requesting an amendment to Planned Development 230 (PD 230) to allow for a deviation from the approved building elevations for the industrial subdivision. The applicant proposes to build an approximately 2,932 square foot warehouse building with a 688 square foot office in phase one, and a 3,200 square foot warehouse with office building in phase two. Phase two will have five years to be constructed. The elevation of the building is proposed to be metal siding with natural wood accents. On-site parking, paving and landscaping will also be installed. The project is proposed at 3530 Liberty Square Parkway, Stanislaus County Assessor’s Parcel Number 044-066-011. This project is EXEMPT from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15332 (In-fill Projects).Address: 3530 Liberty Square Pkwy Quadrant: SW
APN: Zoning District: Planned Development 230
Application Received: 6/4/2019
Contact: Barrett Construction (209-632-9488)
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, August 1, 2019
Status: Approved 8/1/2019
Site Plans
Time Ext for CUP 2018-03 Ventana Design
The applicant is requesting a one-year time extension to the previously approved 85-room, 4-story hotel proposed on the 1.85-acre parcel at 4475 N. Golden State Boulevard (Stanislaus County APN 087-001-068). The previous approval allowed an exception to the 35-foot height limit established in the Northwest Triangle Specific Plan for the Heavy Commercial (CH) zoning District to facilitate the construction of the hotel. The hotel measures 61’6” from grade to the highest point and includes an indoor pool. A total of 93 onsite-parking spaces are proposed. Additional onsite improvements include paving, parking lot striping, onsite lighting, and landscaping; off-site improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are also proposed. No changes from the previous submittal and approval are proposed.Address: 4475 N Golden State Blvd Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-001-068-000 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (CH)
Application Received: 8/1/2019
Contact: Ventana Design & Development (209) 606-6724
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, October 3, 2019
Status: Project on hold/withdrawn
Site Plans
TULP 2019-01 F&M Bank
F&M Bank is requesting to place a temporary modular bank trailer at 2340 Geer Road (Stanislaus County APN 072-026-074) that will be used by bank employees and customers while the existing bank building is being remodeled. The modular trailer is fully equipped including restrooms. F&M Bank has already applied to TID for temporary power but will need to connect to onsite water. The modular trailer is equipped with a tank for sewer which will be pumped out weeklyAddress: 2340 Geer Rd Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-026-074 Zoning District: Commercial Office (CO)
Application Received: 2/15/2019
Contact: F&M Bank (209) 367-2362
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved March 14, 2019
Site Plan
TULP 2019-02 Blue Diamond Growers
Blue Diamond Growers is requesting to erect a 40’x60’ tent for the storage of new processing equipment while their building expansion is under construction. No processing will occur in the tent/structure.Address: 1300 N Washington Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-001-015 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 7/8/2019
Contact: Travis Hill (209) 986-0142
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved 7/23/2019
Site Plans
TULP 2019-03 RoomsXpress
RoomsXpress is requesting authorization to have a tent sale at the rear of their store at 2709 Countryside Drive. RoomsXpress will erect a 20’x70’ tent at the rear of the building (see site plan) for the display of the furniture for sale. RoomsXpress anticipates beginning tent setup on July 24th with the furniture sale open to the public beginning July 26th. The tent sale will operate for approximately 3-weeks with the tent being removed August 13th.Address: 2709 Countryside Dr Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-026-010-000 Zoning District: Community Commercial CC
Application Received: 7/12/2019
Contact: Alec Vo-209-497-5000
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved 7/23/2019
Site Plans
TULP 2019-05 Blue Diamond
Blue Diamond Growers is requesting to erect a 40’x80’ tent for the storage of new processing equipment while their building expansion is under construction. The project is located at 1300 N Washington Rd (Stanislaus County APN: 089-001-015). There is currently a permit allowing a 40’x60’ tent that is being used for the same purpose. No processing will occur in the tent/structure. The project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15304 Minor Alterations to LandAddress: 1300 N Washington Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-001-015 Zoning District: Industrial (I)
Application Received: 9/25/2019
Contact: Travis Hill (209) 986-0142
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved October 22, 2019
Site Plans
TULP 2019-06 RoomsXpress
RoomsXpress is requesting authorization to have a tent sale at the rear of their store at 2709 Countryside Drive. RoomsXpress will erect a 20’x70’ tent at the rear of the building that faces the freeway (see site plan) for the display of the furniture for sale. The tent will be setup on October 23rd, with the furniture sale open to the public beginning October 25th. The tent sale will operate for approximately three weeks with the tent being removed November 12th.Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15304 [Minor Alterations to Land]Address: 2709 Countryside Dr Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-026-010-000 Zoning District: Community Commercial (CC)
Application Received: 10/17/2019
Contact: RoomsXpress Furniture (209) 497-5000
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved October 28, 2019
Site Plans
TULP 2019-07 Suburban Propane
Suburban Propane is proposing to install a 10’ x 40’ (400 square foot) modular office building during the remodel of the existing building. The modular office building will be placed in existing paved parking area. It is anticipated the modular building will be onsite through January 2020 during the remodel of the building.“Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15304 [Minor Alterations to Land]Address: 4625 N Golden State Blvd Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-001-066 Zoning District: Heavy Commercial (HC)
Application Received: 10/22/2019
Contact: BluePoint Builders Inc (916)680-9933
Planner: Katherine Bakus
Status: Approved November 8, 2019
Site Plan