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Archived Residential Projects

Current Year: 2018
Previous Years: 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

General Plan Amendment 2018-01 (East Tuolumne Master Plan Storm Water)

City of Turlock is proposing to amend the storm water component of the East Tuolumne Master Plan to allow for the option of the areas to develop and do full on-site retention for storm water through basins or connect to the City’s storm water system. An addendum to the East Tuolumne Master Plan mitigated negative declaration is proposed, demonstrating none of the changes in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines has occurred which would necessitate the preparation of a subsequent environmental document. The properties within the East Tuolumne Master Plan are as follows: 2707, 2930, 3007 and 3130 E. Tuolumne Road, 2606, 2736, 2772 N. Quincy Road, more accurately described as Stanislaus County APNs 073-013-003, 006, 004, 007,010, 009, 015 and 016.

Address: 2707, 2930, 3007, 3130 E. Tuolumne Road & 2606, 2736, 2772 N. Quincy Road Quadrant: NE
APN: 073-013-003,004,009,010,015,016 & 073-016-006,007 Zoning District: Low Density Residential (RL)
Application Received: 10/30/2018
Contact: City of Turlock
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, January 17, 2019
Status: Approved January 17, 2019

PD 241 Amend 2018-02 (Park Villas)

The proposed project located at 3200 Atherstone Road (Stanislaus County APN 087-029-003) is a request to amend a previously approved Planned Development and vesting tentative subdivision map on an approximately 7.15 acre parcel which approved the development of a 140-unit air space condominium project. The amendment would allow for an increase in the number of units from 140 to 175, increasing the proposed density from 19.5 dwelling units per acre to 24.5, within the allowable density permitted in the High Density Residential (RH) zoning district of 15 to 30 units per acres. The amendment will also allow the property to be developed as condominiums with individual air-space units, or as one parcel developed as an apartment complex under one owner. The Planned Development will also allow the project to exceed the maximum height limitation of the RH zoning district of 40’ with a maximum height for the proposed buildings of 42’. Three hundred-seventy on-site parking spaces are proposed in accordance with the Municipal Code parking requirements. An addendum to the previously adopted mitigated negative declaration is proposed, demonstrating none of the changes in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines has occurred which would necessitate the preparation of a subsequent environmental document.

Address: 3200 Atherstone Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-029-003 Zoning District: PD 241
Application Received: 11/14/2018
Contact: Cal Engineering (209) 471-3151
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved January 17, 2019

Site Plans


The applicant is requesting an amendment to Planned Development 272 (The Vista) located at 900 W. Monte Vista Avenue (Stanislaus County APN: 071-073-011) to allow for an additional 60 beds within the previously approved 180 unit student housing complex. This Planned Development amendment will not change the previously approved site plan or building layouts it will bring the total bed count within the 180 units up from 660 to 720.

Address: 900 W Monte Vista Blvd Quadrant: NW
APN: 071-073-011 Zoning District: PD 271
Application Received: 12/6/2018
Contact: Amcal Stanislaus LLC -(818) 706-0694
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019
Status: Approved 3/7/2019


PD 275 & VTSM 18-02 Mission Ranch

The applicant is proposing to subdivide two parcels totaling approximately 1.79 acres into six single-family residential lots. The lots will be developed generally consistent with the RL zoning district standards. The applicant is requesting a Planned Development to allow the development to be a residential gated community with a gated entrance leading to the private cul-de-sac. The applicant is also requesting a deviation from the corner side yard setback for the lots adjacent to Berkeley Avenue and a reduction in the 20’ required driveway length to 15’ to allow for RV parking. The properties are located at 2220 & 2230 N Berkeley Avenue, Stanislaus County APN 073-014-050 & 051. The property is currently zoned Low Density Residential (RL).

Address: 2220 & 2230 N Berkeley Ave Quadrant: NE
APN: 073-014-050 & 051 Zoning District: Low Density Residenital (RL)
Application Received: 2/7/2018
Contact: Nick Hackler or Jim Pallios (209) 603-1051
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved PC 5/3/18 / Withdrew 4/5/2021

Site Map

TULP 2018-03 Florsheim Homes

Garage conversion of model home for Rose Verde Subdivision to a sales office

Address: 2433 Wisteria Ln Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-027-032 Zoning District: PD 270
Application Received: 10/5/2018
Contact: Florsheim Homes (209) 474-0522
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved 10/5/2018

VTSM 2005-14 Time Ext-Park Villas

The proposed project located at 3200 Atherstone Road (Stanislaus County APN 087-029-003) is a request for a three-year time extension for a previously approved vesting tentative subdivision map and Planned Development. This residential subdivision and Planned Development, approved by Planning Commission on December 1, 2005 and City Council on December 13, 2005, would subdivide approximately 7.15 acres for the development of a 140-unit air space condominium project. The project will be developed at a residential density of approximately 19.5 dwelling units per acre. No changes to the project have been proposed since the original approval. If granted, this time extension will change the expiration of this subdivision map from July 27, 2018 to July 27, 2021.

Address: 3200 Atherstone Road Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-029-003 Zoning District: Planned Development 241 (PD 241)
Application Received: 3/12/2018
Contact: Cal Mill Engineering and Project Management (209) 471-3151
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, June 7, 2018
Status: Approved 6/7/2018

Site Plan

VTSM 2006-09 Time Extension-McCoon Townhouses

The proposed project located at 3900 Colorado Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 072-075-051) is a request for a three-year time extension of an approved vesting tentative subdivision map and Planned Development. This residential subdivision and Planned Development, approved by the City Council on March 27, 2007, would subdivide approximately 3.42 creating 40 single-family residential lots and one (1) common area lot comprised of on-site amenities such as a club house and pool. In addition to the common space each unit will have an approximately 400 square foot private rear yard. The project will be developed at a residential density of approximately 12 dwelling units per acre with lot sizes ranging from approximately 1,600 square feet to 2,200 square feet in size. No changes to the project have been proposed since the original approval. If granted, this time extension will change the expiration of this subdivision map from February 1, 2018 to February 1, 2021.

Address: 3900 Colorado Ave Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-075-051 Zoning District: Planned Development 258 (PD 258)
Application Received: 1/8/2018
Contact: Don Mc Coon (209) 620-4250
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, March 1, 2018
Status: Approved 3/1/2018

Site Plan

VTSM 2014-03 Time Ext-Les Chateaux

A three year time extension for a previously approved subdivision map to subdivide approximately 19.7 acres into 60 single-family residential lots and one approximately 1.22 acre storm drainage basin within the East Tuolumne Master Plan (ETMP) Area. The project will be developed in accordance with the standards established for the R-L (ETMP) zoning district consistent with the property’s Low Density Residential General Plan land use designation. Typical lot sizes range from approximately 7,103 square feet to 21,196 square feet. The subject property is located at 3007 East Tuolumne Road (Stanislaus County APN 073-013-004). If granted, this time extension will change the expiration of this subdivision map from March 5, 2018 to March 5, 2021.

Address: 3007 E Tuolumne Rd Quadrant: NE
APN: 073-013-004 Zoning District: Low Density Residential (RL)
Application Received: 2/2/2018
Contact: RBK Development - 209-483-8159
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, April 5, 2018
Status: Approved 4/5/2018

Site Map

VTSM 2014-04 Time Ext-Fairbanks Ranch

A three year time extension for a previously approved subdivision map to subdivide approximately 40.6 acres into 129 single-family residential lots and one approximately 2.33 acre storm drainage basin within the East Tuolumne Master Plan (ETMP) Area. The project will be developed in accordance with the standards established for the R-L (ETMP) zoning district. Typical lot sizes range from approximately 7,855 square feet to 17,030 square feet. The subject property is located at 2707 East Tuolumne Road (Stanislaus County APN 073-013-003). If granted, this time extension will change the expiration of this subdivision map from March 5, 2018 to March 5, 2021.

Address: 2707 E Tuolumne Rd Quadrant: NE
APN: 073-013-003 Zoning District: Low Density Residential (RL)
Application Received: 2/2/2018
Contact: Christopher Hawke (925) 389-6836
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, April 5, 2018
Status: Approved 4/5/2018

Site Plan

For questions or comments about these projects, please contact:

Planning Division
156 S. Broadway, Ste. 120
Turlock, CA 95380-5456
(209) 668-5640
Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM

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